
I mean, if you’re going to mark up the Telly to X5-level prices, then I’d rather buy the X5 at that point too. I saw 523hp, and my brain says, “Yes, please!” :D

San Diego gas jumped to 4$ for regular overnight.  Bastards.  Oh well.  One less bottle of wine I guess.  Wait...  No.  Something else will be sacrificed...

What the article is say is that the real problem is people.

E36 - everything is pointing at the driver - the big ACVent was my favorite. 

I’m not a car person but I find myself reading Jalopnik articles often because they are genuinely interesting and are full of fun facts.

Due to the panic-buying and hoarding last year TP was scarce here in IN. There a photo of me standing outside a supermarket holding up a package of TP like a trophy. lol Plus, relatives in Oakland, CA were having a hard time finding it, so we boxed up and shipped them a pack. Crazy times.

Who do i need to bribe to get me out of the grey posts?

I love that you did more research on this than HD’s marketing team.

Cant wait to drive one of these around dystopia once the guillotines come out

FFS. Are you paid by some right-wing climate denying thinktank? Are you a bot? Literally all you’re doing is spewing bullshit all over these comments.

Absolutely this. 

I’m already imagining the holiday TV commercial. The camera pans over a chalkboard full of equations, lingers on a leather accordion briefcase containing term papers and spilled pipe tobacco, and through an ancient window we see a small, sensible older European car, while the voiceover intones, “Faculty Club. The

I remember taking an ashtray to a Philosophy class in college.  The Prof smoked so I figured I could too.  I was right.  If you think those were the bad old days, you are wrong.

I worked with a guy that was was part of the analysis team on what happened to the Challenger. He had some interesting things to say about what happened and what the solutions were.

My 1964 Cadillac. First car I ever had and drove it to high school and still driving it, but not daily at the moment. It’s about 19 feet long and sticks out of most parking spots. The heat and AC don’t work so you had to dress accordingly. The top leaks so I have to carry towels in case it rains. It’s lowered 3" so

Thanks for the scoop. I’ve been waffling back-and-forth between the two, but have yet to test-drive them.

You make me realize I don’t have a lot of pics of the thing but here are a couple. Last ones after I installed a custom flat bottom alcantara wrapped steering wheel.

Follow the link in the article, then just search for all the Blazers on that site. There were a few on there in the “you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” price range. Then, more than a few in great shape for actual reasonable prices.

You know those kids? They’re adults now, and now that they’ve got the money, they want a Blazer from their youth that wasn’t the beat-up piece of shit they were forced to ride around in when they were kids.

Makes you want to buy a rolodex just for the endorphin rush of yanking out the little card with their name on it.