
The first time you get into a fight you won’t care what color the shirt is that the fist is coming from, or what vehicle it drives.

Luckily 2 witnesses reported the sandwiches safely ejected the vehicle before the crash. Safer food!

Not exactly Mods vs. Rockers, is it?

7900 beer cans

Maureen Dowd: “Let me eat cake”

It’s a little bit like those sensational articles we used to see about a man who weighs 800 pounds and had to be removed from his home with a forklift. Somewhere between the time he passed 300 on his way to 800, there were lots of avenues his family and loved ones failed to explore to help him. Someone was bringing

The Blue Jays, The Detroit Free Press... this guy can shut out anyone!


Just a little tip. 90% rubbing alcohol kills bedbugs and their eggs. Of course, alcohol is a solvent so it will melt the finish off your wood surfaces if you apply too liberally. However, this method is much more effective and much less toxic than what an exterminator might do.  

I completely agree. Instead of serving a market by providing transpiration in areas that needed it (rural, suburbs, airport runs, outer neighborhoods, cities were hailing cabs is prohibited but slow to respond, and so many more scenarios) they saw taxi cabs as the inherent problem that needed to be solved.

Fair, but Amazon didn’t profit initially because they put their profits back into R&D and expanded their product. Uber sent out a memo practically asking employees to see if they can find any change in their desk chairs, cancelling the $250,000 they were spending on birthday balloons. The only way Uber can expand and

Uber Rides was a little taxi firm down in Texas

“I used to have trouble getting it up, because of E.D.*

You’re spot on with this review. My 2016 V6-S AWD Convertible is the most fun car I’ve ever had as a daily driver. No matter what is going on in your life, a drive in this makes you feel a bit better. Even nose-to-tail freeway traffic can be fun (turn on the loud pipes, put the top down and the transmission in

I was picturing:

I feel like the only thing you got right was counting to three successfully.

Ya know, after spending way too much time on this,
I said ‘Fuck it-no one will look at it anyway.’

I have always liked the Rockford Files and on my serious list one of those cars would be there. However the survivors are accounted for and probably out of the range of what I would be willing to spend for one. Some of them have been restored, others haven’t.

107s are priced entirely on condition. While the 1976 version isn’t as desirable as the 1977 or 1974 models (the 1975 and 1976 versions had the catalytic converters up in the engine compartment, not too far from the fuel lines, causing heat soaking and hot start problems; they moved the cats under the car in 1977), at

and ironically, it’s in the body of my text.