
You know where I stand on the styling. Side-by-side with a GTI, the lesser car looks sportier in my opinion. As an enthusiast, I can spot an R, but there is something a bit too understated and bland about it.

In the town where I was born
Lived a man with pipes to hit
And he told us of his Ford
And we all thought “He’s a twit.”
But we drove it anyway
‘Til that Iron Duke did quit
And we all lived off the grid
In our yellow piece of shit.

We all live in a yellow piece of shit
A yellow piece of shit, a yellow piece of shit.
We all live

Yes. You don’t see the cars as often, but there’s something special about being there in person. Sitting in the forest on the edge of a dirt road, waiting, buzzing with impatient anticipation, ears straining. Then you hear it, the whine of the engine and the explosive pop of the anti-lag bouncing off the trees,

This is just footage of my dad in the Florence Lowe’s parking lot.

When I sold my TDI back to VW last week, the person on the other side of the table said that many of them are being sold overseas, where the great fuel mileage is a plus, and the NOx regulations are different. Perhaps with an ECU patch, perhaps not.

Two words: LS Conversion


2029 is only 12 years from now...

Its a comic movie. You want something better, go watch Moonlight or something. Not every movie is going to be some magnum opus life-changing event. Sheesh.

What’s your definition of a road movie? Logan was a movie about people getting from point A to B in a various cars driving on roads. They stop off at various points, hijinks ensue and they get back on the road. The movie ends when they get to their destination.

Now, where have I seen the front end on that limo before...

That’s literally the one exception that’s listed several times in the article above.

My late-grandfather-in-law owned this, he wasn’t a car guy but man did he love that car. Even when his health was failing him, due to cancer, he would walk me down to the garage, asked me to fill it with gas since he could no longer lift the gas can. Then we would sit there and talk while he ran it for several

As I’m inclined to claim, this old girl is my 1931 Ford Model A. I drive her as many chances as I get which, in the South, is quite a lot. I started driving it when I was 16 and later on it spent 2 years as my only car. Whenever Doug used to inquire what he should buy and live with, I never hesitated to tell him to



Hahaha that is pretty great. Mine was “This car has HARDLY seen rain, and it is in PRESTIN ALL working conditions”

Monster Energy Drink: Never Let “No” Stand In Your Way

When my dad slowly died an agonizing death to fast-moving cancer and my parents lost the tiny amount of shit they had managed to accumulate with their minimum wage jobs because he made the “choice” to take the only job he could thanks to the Reds tanking the economy in ‘08 and made the “choice” to pay their rent