I don’t think you need to go one one.
I don’t think you need to go one one.
Please take your star.
That’s for when Lamborghini starts making jet skis.
I agree with this. All the assholes who are mask protesting are self-centered pricks.
You don’t know the west coast very well.
On that note, I just heard of some fucks that are going to come down here from OC to protest in MY City at a Sprouts store because of their mask policy.
My in-laws have a seasonal neighbor (they live in a retirement community where people come and go with the seasons) who is old and refuses to wear a seat belt. Not just in his own car, he won’t wear one as a passenger, either. My FIL had to basically tell this old fart that he can’t ride in his car anymore. The…
Eh, they won’t listen to me.
Most of BART is above ground. FYI. :)
Yea, I mean I’ve always been pretty good about regular maintenance for any car that I own. I know that VW’s have a reputation, but honestly, I think it’s in part because people DON’T stay current with maintenance - meaning taking it once a year to a VW service person. They became ubiquitous cars in the mid 90's - used…
I love all Targas, including this one. My favorite Porsche model.
Interesting. I had an 05 Passat wagon that I kept till about 100K. I never had one problem with it.
I think we’re splitting hairs here. I mean, you’re not wrong, you have to be attentive behind the wheel to watch for dummies. But there are certain things that can’t be accounted for immediately and if that happens and someone plows into you, 60's engineering may put one into the hospital.. at best.
Hard to know without being on the inside, I guess..
Yep, totally agree with you.
This absolutely does happen as well. I guess I’m just extra jaded given how much failing up (or vertical) I have seen in 35 years in the workforce..
This is a huge part of the problem in corporate America - has been for a long, long time. I hate to use an over-used word, but this is LITERALLY why no C suite (or sr. VP for that matter, etc..) has to worry about doing a good job at all. Doesn’t matter in the big picture. Their life will not change. They will go on…
Because the Coast Guard had a perimeter and these choads decided that they needed to ignore them, thus making it so the CG had more work to do.
Yep. A friend of mine had one of these. She loved it - in theory - and bought it used from some old lady or something. I told her she should have bought two of them.