
Yea, people like this dude are weird and insufferable.  Like what’s the point of popping around to different comment sections and being a dick on purpose?  I mean, I get it “welcome to the internet, it’s terrible here”, but even after 25 years of this, it’s still irritating.

Why would anyone buy a Mini when the GTI exists and is 100 times better in every way?  HOW many times were you dropped on your head?  Must have been a lot.

It’s just a regular insult - directed at a troll with zero reading comprehension skills.  So in actuality, it’s not really an insult, it’s a correct observation.  Stop saying stupid things.  Problem solved.

I realize (as we’ve discovered earlier) that you were dropped on your head a lot as a child, but in the space below, please define “sports car”.

Your reading comprehension skills are at the same level as your trolling (and knowledge of cars) - zero.

Honestly, my normally easy going way is out the window with these people. I’m to the point now where I almost wish the whole lot of them would get sick and be denied a fucking ventilator.  I mean, it’s one thing to be some weirdo who believes in moon landing conspiracies.  Whatever.  But these covidiots are just plain

It was a link to a fun video. What timeline is relevant? Do you spend your day purposely trying to be a cunt? Were you dropped on your head as a kid too many times? Didn’t get enough love from mommy? Not sure what your deal is.

Actually, I have a 440.  But the 2 series is a great car, end of story.  I’ve driven them before.

Yea, seeing that thing kicker boxed me over the edge as well. CP.

I have no idea what this means.  

Not even close to accurate.  

You can get a loaded 2 series for that kinda money.  

Yea, I mean it can really escalate here as well to the point of losing your license if you get nailed enough.

Holy shit.

What’s odd is how much they use that in AZ where there are so many of your “don’t tread on me” types. You’d think they would be up in arms over that. Maybe some are. Last time I got a speeding ticket was in a rental car driving on a surface street when in PHX for work..

Depends on the car, some do have this.  Should be more prevalent.

It boils down to a complete overhaul of our current criminal justice system. A system that at BEST can be described as a regressive tax. If I get a 200 dollar ticket, it has no impact on my life. Because of my fortunate place in the world. At worst, our system has become one about warehousing human beings on a level

Exactly the correct take.  

Keep flying your traitorous flag of racism, then.  Just do it at home.  Creep.