
Most of it is not in that great shape. It’s really only interesting to drive late at night - not on a weekend - for some staggering views of the city and the valley.

He knows what he has.  A compressor on the floor of his garage..

No, I know what you meant. I’m just not agreeing with you.

It’s so bad. We’re on our second 4 series - a 2019 440 we got a couple months ago as my wife’s daily driver. It’s an outstanding car. But I can say with certainty that if this is what a 4 series is going to look like in the not too distant future, we won’t be having one of them.

Perhaps. Except for the fact that 99.99 percent of people walking around in the world could never even make contact with a major league fastball.

Levi’s Stadium curfew is 10p, tho.

Farewell to you old southern sky”

Tom Friedman: “My Uber driver discussed free trade with me and sold me an 8 ball.”


South Carolina.

I have an X3 with 90K on it and it’s also been trouble free. Knock on wood..

The city where I live, it seems to be getting worse. Especially the ones that just keep going on the left turn light behind the cars that are getting through on the yellow.

Indeed.  They are also the ones that hold their phones up the entire time at a live music show.  And talk loud over the music with their friends..

Yeah, unfortunately there’s a lot of enabling in a situation like this. We’re somewhat victims of our prosperity, with a lot of kids basking in relative opulence, whereas Generation Xers grew up with parents and grandparents who were still haunted by the Great Depression and its consequences. So you ate everything on


It is true that people only want what they can’t have. Someone made an entire movie based on a guy that wanted Coors..

Good thing so many people were there to see it live../s

I agree, the steering was not good. FWIW, it’s better for 2019.  Funny, I think one of the best steering I’ve enjoyed was on our old 2008 GTI.  We were sad when we traded it in - fantastic car.

Yea, that’s their biggest global seller. Last year they sold about 2.5 times as many Macan’s as 911's.

We’re on our second 4 series - actually, it’s my wife’s daily driver, a 440i - I don’t necessarily disagree with this. Though I think the car is brilliant. I will say this, though - and some may disagree - I’ve driven E9x coupes and sedans and I think the F series is better.