Santiago of Escuderia Boricua

2nd gear: Reduced union participation over the last 3 decades is a big factor behind the stagnant wages. Without the strength of collective bargaining, workers get paid less because corporations can pay them less. Factor in inflation and it’s a downward spiral.

What he said.

It doesn’t and it won’t.

They bill themselves as the anti douche rally yet the number of dual and/or fake German plates I saw negates that claim.

Go home capitalism, you're drunk.

“5) You live in a bad neighborhood and have to join a gang and steal to survive.”

Thank you for your contribution.

You’re right, Rango is a way cooler nickname.

Any entry level Jeep, i.e. Compass & Liberty;

You literally just got recreationally offended by a person you just imagined you fucking moron

No, the objectification of women won’t change if y’all keep justifying it. Nothing is going to change if you just shrug your shoulders and say “well, shit happens”. Getting a little annoyed about something and demanding a change within your own community is how we got stuff like voting rights for people who weren’t

That makes for a rated 220 HP from the car’s three-cylinder turbocharged engine, and the only transmission option the release listed was a six-speed manual

I, too, took economics in High School.

Hey. Spider-Pig is taken

No one really cares what cops want to do, they care about what cops actually do.

Haha, that’s hilarious. First, because that photo is obviously faked. Second, because some people actually try to justify not wearing their seatbelt for fringe cases that may or may not actually exist.

You don’t need solid metal to weld to.

3rd: “What are you gonna do, sue me?” -man, shortly before being sued

Counterpoint: touch the cars. You won’t hurt ‘em. They will be fine. Get your grubby mitts all over them. Someone can just wipe the prints off later. No harm done.