
I had a similar experience. I will contact him again next time.

True, I should not have to do that, but to avoid an incident, I will walk over a bench.

Now playing

The old timers are wrong. Watch this.  It should not be a fair fight.

What would happen if you just start posting your experience to the local tv station’s facebook page as it is happening?  I wonder how long until they notice and you get your keys back.

As long as people tell the truth about me, say anything you want. If you don’t want to be “ratted out”, do do things you don’t want people to know about.

Most people did donate $0, which is much less than $33 or $14 million. Are we shaming these people so they think it is better to donate nothing?

Nice reply. It is not the most harmful substance. It does not even clean engine blocks as well as Soda does.  Is it a gateway drug?  Can’t we just ask some people addicted to Meth and some other harder drugs and find out how they got there?

Titanic was too long due to time. Other movies are too long due to lack of content. Movies cost enough now. Entertain me for more than 90 minutes.

Football you will have a team blocking for you.  Even good players need the O line.

I am fine with the color if someone wants it. Relax. I thought you would say it is pointless because once it gets dirty the Vantablack color will look like any other dirty black car so that might relegate this to showrooms and cars shows.

I am fine with the color if someone wants it. Relax. I thought you would say it is pointless because once it gets dirty the Vantablack color will look like any other dirty black car so that might relegate this to showrooms and cars shows.

You can still invest in the future of the College. Donating to College is not uncommon.  However, mandatory “optional” is not cool.

Sure, and for less content charge me less. I am sold. Oh, unless you are going to charge the same, them let me enjoy my movie night out.

You don’t have to be straight laced to care for people? Studies will show if Vaping is safer in the long term, hopefully studies not funded by the vaping industry. (this story shows the vaping industry does not always provide all the facts). There are many kids who don’t like the taste, small of cigarettes so they

I see the promo code, but how do you get the coupon for the dish rack?

I see the promo code, but how do you get the coupon for the dish rack?

Good point, The first agreement is for the first month while moms begins to recover. Then have a long term plan that kicks in. 

Really, I do not see many people standing up for police these days. Why can’t we support the police when they are right and the suspects when they are right? Oh, yes, we must only print what sells. That falls right back on us as readers. If we only watch sensationalized news, (and only news that we already agree with)

I see a lot about earning money that is untraceable. Should we be concerned that people can skirt the tax system? More money to the dancers, sure. Skirting tax liability, no thank you.

This shows that a base tan does work, if you spend 40 minutes or less in the sun. Do I want to put on sunscreen for 20 minutes outside. (yes, but I would not have to if I had a base tan)

Most pregnant women need about 500-700 extra calories a day.