And been like 3 years old lol
And been like 3 years old lol
Yeah..I was 13 in ‘99. No offense to you, just sayin.
I’m not sure what his point was, because in terms of languages based on the Arabic alphabet English is still one of the most difficult to learn. Citing shit like Cantonese, Arabic, and Korean is entirely pointless because we don’t use kanji. Like..WTF was he trying to say?
Shadowban inc., bud.
Splinter is desperate for those clicks huh? My guess is the venture capitalist owners are starting to get pissed, and Blest won’t have a job in 6 months...That’s assuming he’s fired tomorrow, and nobody will touch him inside a year.
You make the entire black race look bad.
Jesus how old are you?! Lol
Well I feel bad for you. That sounds like a terrible lot to be cast in, and you didn’t deserve it, nor did your brother. I was always punished by my mother as well, but I was always lauded when I did something right by both. Perhaps I should have made it clear, you can discipline your children without over-pampering…
Ilhan Omar used the chain migration mechanism to get her brother as a citizen when she was younger. She married him and claimed it wasn’t her brother, even though in high school they both lived in the same household and her kids call him “uncle.”
In the words of Kesha: Blah. Blah. Blah.
I had a roommate in college that couldn’t go past three sentences without an error (Grammatical or spelling) my freshman year. I edited his papers for free and did my best not to sound like an asshole when I pointed them out because I thought I might help him learn. I edited everybody else’s in the hallway for $10 a…
Yeah, but you’re a professor are you not? That’s pretty much what English majors are good for, though some go to law school (I started as an English major til I had a professor in a law class tell me I wasn’t learning the skills I needed). I mean shit, my favorite teacher in high school taught English and European Lit…
I’ll admit I don’t really understand the purpose of the questions on the civics test. I’m all for making people immigrant legally and testing them in some way, but the questions on the current test are like stuff we were taught in high school and don’t remember at all later in our lives because it was generally…
Oh the echo chamber will never convince me, I think this entire site is toxic and supports a class war, even though that would mean 90% of its bloggers would be killed for being born in to rich families and living ultra-privileged lives. I mean come on, if my child got in to Columbia or NYU et al. and said they were…
I mean, obviously not, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong.
You’re not wrong, I wasn’t even alive in the Reagan administration, but I consider myself an old at 31. Plenty of kids understand how to behave and do their job, mostly due to being raised correctly and being punished when they fucked around by their parents. Shit, I remember my sister tricked me in to flipping off my…
What’s the point of being a union leader if you can’t embezzle and commit crimes at will without the full support of the democratic party?!
Headline should be, “Black Woman Arrested For Violently Assaulting Another Person.”
I’m starting to think Splinter is actually just a Republican sleeper cell operation. They’re even managing to fracture the NYC Democratic population! Keep up the good work!
I thought most of you moderates bailed out of NYC? I sure as shit would have.