Steve Steversom

Obviously staged. If it was real, the Ferrari would have barbecued itself before hitting the Volvo.

I can see the larvae in his chin scrotum writhing and undulating in expectation. Is queso some sort of substitute amniotic fluid that he uses to provide them with nourishment until he can find a suitable host to implant them into? We need answers.

Please tell me you’re sterile and not thinking of adopting.

For me, it’s really simple:

Does Satan tell you to cut people’s heads off while you’re riding public transit?

What was the temperature as well? -2 to about +2 makes things pretty nasty; it’s not quite water and it’s not quite ice and it’s not quite snow.

Seal Team 6 really showed him though. And Uncle Owen.

Proton torpedoes aren’t hot enough to melt space-steel beams.

I’ve always seen Mad Max as almost a repertory cast series of post-apocalyptic thought experiments, where a nucleus of actors play similar, but different characters in each. The only constant should be Max. Is it the same Max? Who knows; shouldn’t matter. As indirect participants in this post-apocalyptic world, the

Good old 790. Lexx was an amazing show. And then it wasn’t.

On another subject: Are we witnessing his combover generating lift?


The Boston Marathon Attack was a Cuban plot?

Exactly. Ignoring the campaign itself and making it about misogyny was a fatal flaw on the part of the Democrats. Hillary ran a flawed campaign that utterly failed to resonate with anybody — the canary in the mineshaft was the “I hate both of them” that every single water cooler conversation in America revolved

Ferris wheels. That would have fixed everything.

Look at those awful welds too.

Still, great to see so much support for these young men suffering from severe autism spectrum disorder.

Good, except that the universe of Dune shuns computers and non-organic forms of intelligence, so the bio-mechanical Sardaukar would have been an impossibility.

The next great civilization will have to figure it out. The United States is over. The cultural and ideological fractures that the election caused will see the country’s superstructure fold like a house of cards over the next 15-20 years.

Meanwhile, the old T&C has tremendous visibility. And a standard backup camera so that you can avoid squashing the neighbour’s kids.