Steve Steversom

The fat homeschooled kid with diabetes doesn’t approve of you, savethekitties.

Or the General Motors D body.

Done properly, a manager:

The 1948 Tucker’s middle light turned with the front wheels...

It’s very male. The guys are just standing around talking casually, while the women rip and suck at them like ravenous cannibals driven into a feeding frenzy by the sight of dick.

Dear milquetoast Univision shitbags: You’ve effectively just rendered Gawker media worthless; if we can’t trust this organization to print the truth when it’s politically inconvenient for your corporate office, what the fuck good are you?

And probably more reliable too.

The width of the road facilitates the use of tanks in the city.

There’s a deficit on smoke detectors in Russia. That much radioactive material would require that sanctions be lifted.

On the positive side, he’d presumably already experienced a fate worse than death by driving that midget KGB thug around.

I’m applying for Mexican citizenship so that I can be ready with a shovel.

I disagree. If she does it, then it’s exactly the right amount. If she kills other people doing it, it was a bit much.

Now playing

I was hoping for something more like Hitchens’ take on Falwell:

It would make them vulnerable to Cylon viruses.

Awww. I’m looking forward to “Naughty Celebrities Who Ride, Shiny and Chrome, on the Highways of Valhalla”.

Gamers are monumentally stupid, not inhuman.

This means that we’ll have celebrity gossip columns for years to come describing how Leto ruptured his co-star’s eyes with his bare thumbs in an effort to live longer.

ahem. Skinjob.

Can it be applied retroactively? He looks at least 30.

Let me tell you about my mother!