Yes, we do need border security. But, border security should not include a South Texas witchhunt. Denying a passport to someone born in this country, even someone born on an ugly patch of South Texas scrub, seems suboptimal to me.
Eh, I am certainly no fan of the Republican candidate, but I have a hard time imagining this was intentional.
From what I can tell, we are.
To be fair, if Antifa did a little more to curb the number of its participants who run around in masks vandalizing shit, it wouldn’t be so easy to demonize them.
The test will be November.
Nice! Now, let’s test the “progressives appeal to most Americans” theory and see if these two win in November.
I’m more than fine with people calling themselves ANTIFA pelting Nazis/White Supremacists with water bottles and telling them to fuck off. That’s getting off very lightly.
My guess is that a lot of these people have led very, very irresponsible lives. Now they come looking to big daddy to help them out. Nope, not going to happen.
Would be interesting to see how many of those who responded to the “survey” with a hardship owned an iPhone X, had multiple tattoos, lived in an apt/home they shouldn’t be in, nice stereo in the car, etc..
There’s not going to be any revolt. Most Americans are completely unaware of this mass inequality. Their idea of being current on politics is yelling on Facebook about who is flying a flag and how high, and whether or not people are standing in front of it or kneeling in front of it.
Curious if you are including Obama in with the war criminals?
These comments are as bad as Fox news comments.
I used to work for a hobby shop that held races in parking lots for radio control cars and trucks, I’ve seen grown men have fits over little shit going wrong or when there have been beefs between participants at those. Some would even throw tantrums over how we laid the course out if it was different or not what whey h…
We now live in a world where “losing a game of Madden” is now on the list of stats for “causes of a mass shooting”. How fucking fantastic.
Anyone else find it strange that Trump hasn’tEVER gone after Avenatti directly in his tweets?
You guys are oddly opposed to any liberals doing anything other than just bitching.
If you’re a pornstar’s lawyer, you shouldn’t be allowed to run for President. Yes, yes I know discrimination and stigma and all that but I mean COME THE FUCK ON REALLY WHO THE FUCK IS DONATING TO THIS MAN’S PAC!?!