You know- I wouldn’t mind or care one whit. Hell, if women do a better job running the government and economy, then I’ll take it.
You know- I wouldn’t mind or care one whit. Hell, if women do a better job running the government and economy, then I’ll take it.
Womanizing is one thing; womanizing at work is another.
Sounds like a healthy national housecleaning to me.
Rand Paul has said he plans to vote yes.
Palos Verde is a beautiful place...............but I prefer San Pedro.
Actually, a full 30% of Americans are considered in the upper middle class- a family earning more than roughly $100,000 a year. And, there are currently 17 million households with over one million in assets- roughly 17% of the population.
If the stories were bullshit, and he were a guy with actual magnanimity, he’d brush them off with a shrug.
No, it’s ideology, not corruption. The healthcare companies actually like Obamacare, because they’re afraid of the alternative.
Except you’re not only gambling with your own health. If you have an accident and wind up at the hospital, and you’re broke, society is on the hook for your bill if cannot pay.
No, because Republicans don’t see the logical inconsistency between the two.
Yes, and every time- EVERY TIME- I bring this issue up among conservatives, I win them over to agreeing that we need some sort of national healthcare system- be it the Swiss public/quasi private/completely private model, the Canadian model, Norwegian, etc....
Yeah, she’s being a total shit.
But the problem with this quasi libertarian idea of choice is that we’ve never really had that choice.
Except- half the Trump supporters out there are also Alex Jones supporters who would agree with you about Chemtrails and the Illuminati.
Don’t be a douche.
Makes sense. Like guys who call themselves “feminist” or “ally,” (who are usually the biggest creeps), I never got a good feeling from Charlie Rose.
Yeah, it’s almost as if those criticizing you haven’t actually spent a lot of time in this messy journey called life, where sometimes signals get misinterpreted, or sometimes people have completely different perspectives on a hug, or a kiss, or a fuck.
Where’s the proof that Franken assaulted anyone?
Yeah, there’s no way in hell Franken should step aside due to two relatively ambiguous accusations.
If Trudeau (national healthcare, progressive income tax, little foreign adventurism- all WITH a booming economy) is a neo liberal- then please, sign me up!