
This is the face of a man who sold his soul to work for an idiot.

I hope he is.

As with everyone in the Trump government, except Trump, this malevolent little hobgoblin knows better but refuses to do so. At what point do Americans do something?

It’s not really defamation when the suspect holes up in a Latin-American embassy for years and refuses to answer the allegations.

What happened to all the extraneous neck skin?

Who here has actually had a baby versus who is an argumentative first year Women’s Studies student? Shit tears when the baby comes out that needs to be stitched back together pronto so that you don’t bleed to death. You are also not in a state of mind to worry about the vaginal politics or victimhood when you’ve just

Cash payment.

He almost doubled the average wrestler’s lifespan.

Maher is a loud blowhard who sees himself as some kind of underdog North American Christopher Hitchens, and likes to go off on juvenile rants about subjects he has almost no working knowledge of. He is tolerable when he is celebrating the intellectual brawn of the guests on his show, but becomes absolutely unpalatable

Not sure orange warpaint would help Bannon’s leprosy.

Yay for the placenta hat.

I’d be really worried about galvanic corrosion between the two metals... since the vehicle spent a good part of its life in a salty environment apparently without any sort of rust protection, I’d expect the mounting points to be completely gone. Unless he’s a very experienced welder willing to put in some serious time

The structure is gone on that one and it doesn’t look like the metal is good enough to weld gussets to.

Yeah. not worth it. Part out anything good and chalk it up to a learning experience.

Since he’s clearly one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse, I’m definitely going with Pestilence.

The welds look like birdshit.

Sorry man; There’s no way to fix the republic now.

His books are aimed at adults? I thought his target demographic was trench-coat-wearing autistic LARPers who vape mead-flavoured tobacco, are already writing Star Trek: Discovery fan-fiction, and call people who don’t have an embarrassing skin disease or smell like urine “pleb”.

I’d be careful with that. It’s moose mating season right now.

As a local vice president, I will resign 10 seconds after reading the news that my union’s executive is getting into bed with this, or any other oppressive regime. I work as a volunteer and put in an extra 35-50 hours a week because I believe that all people, regardless of race, religion, sexual preference, gender,