Love this scene. Love that house. Love her hair and her spirit. Love this.
Ease up on the line stepping. Judging her behavior is not your business and you don’t know anything about any of these folks. You jumped over the killer to criticize a grieving mother/grandmother whose life you don't know.
Cubic Zirconia and Rag.
I applaud them for not jerking their necks and heads like chickens eating scratch like they usually do.
I wish they’d stop wearing those wigs. One looks like a rooster in a boy band from the late 90s or the other looks like a helmet made from a cornsilk cabbage patch kid ponytail.
I know there is money to be made in cooning but damn at some point you need to admit the jig is up right? Damn ladies they tossed your asses over with Candace Owens and you still up there shuckin and jivin for him?
Considering his best pal Epstein can’t hook him up anymore, they gotta get their thrills in somehow.
They’re less than animals, animals actually can care for others.
Barr and Trump just really want to kill some people before they go.
Cut the bullshit. Racism is everywhere and is baked into the soil of all 50 states. Quit turning your nose up like it’s a “Southern” problem. Your first reaction was to blame it on another region and you didn’t even bother to address this Black male teenager’s suffering and pain.
this is so fucked up. hug your kids.
I am a Caucasian white man to you and have been for the past 600 years
In the United States of America, Christmas was established as a federal holiday on June 26, 1870.
Whenever they get on Twitter or in front of a camera it’s “there was fraud. So much fraud. We have evidence. The best evidence. All the evidence.”
If a person sees that expression and does not immediate say “I got someplace else I need to be” they deserve whatever comes their way.
her face says “bitch, please”
If I would have known a lot of my clothes I wore between 1999-2003 would return, I would have saved it and sold it as vintage today.
That look on her face is the look of every Black Mama who is tired of hearing your shit. I have seen this look many a time aimed in my direction.