Ding, muthafckin ding. If you are living your best life or attempting to get there you don’t have time to worry about what other people are doing.
Ding, muthafckin ding. If you are living your best life or attempting to get there you don’t have time to worry about what other people are doing.
No Half & Half??
This story makes me feel rage... pure rage. I’m still pissed about Crystal Mason now I have to add this BS to the list.
🤣🤣 You know you are wrong for that.
Isn’t diabetes a racist trigger now?
Every time I see an article like this the first thing that pops in my head is: “I’m tired”.
You bastages, ohh what a classic
Same here. But I wonder since he cut $1 billion from police funding for redistribution, is this program being financed from the remaining $5 billion budget or is he going to funnel a portion of those funds back into NYPD for “training purposes”?
Progress has to start somewhere.
Firstly, I was referencing the linked article about Trump supports trying to force the Biden/Harris campaign bus off the road.
I believe it was Maxine Water who once said (paraphrasing) *A dying dog is the most vicious in their last days.*
Being he resigned, can it still come from the pension fund?
Had this been the reverse there would have been several dead black people and still no arrest.
OH MAN, Ms. Hilary was truly a treasure. I was fortunate enough to have known her and she was always planning her next expedition. We have no clue how much wisdom and knowledge is lost when a person like her passes away. She will definitely be missed.
Agreed, I’m concerned since his face and name have been plastered after announcing this large settlement. Mr. Gray will miraculously have “concerned relatives” appear. I’ve seen it time and time again. Glad his situation will improve but they’ve completely mishandled this.
“I Swear Fo God”: An Examination of Faith, Repression and Physical Detriment
“Fur is a sign of status, achievement, that we’ve made it against all odds,” the Rev. Johnnie Green Jr., pastor of Mount Neboh Baptist Church in Harlem
I guess their jobs are to determine when he should and shouldn’t wear a shirt and appling copious amounts of baby oil.
Was she armed when he tried to apprehend her, no. She managed to take HIS taser from him. The taser was nonlethal which still didn’t require deadly force. Could he not have used pepper spray to subdue her. The fact that she took it from him shows his incompetence. So he put 5 bullets in her.