You’re right, of course. I neglected to account for the way some terms get - ahem - gentrified the longer they’re in circulation.
You’re right, of course. I neglected to account for the way some terms get - ahem - gentrified the longer they’re in circulation.
His McDonalds bit STILL cracks me up!!!
It is always a non-white woman or child they attack never a grown man unless they outnumber him. These people are the lowest of the low cowards.
Educated white trash is still white trash.
It’s the DA that should be going to jail ... somehow they are NEVER held accountable.
Reading what he wrote, and thinking about hearing the soon to be former president speak makes me so fucking depressed. As if the last 4 years weren’t bad enough, Obama has to come up in here and remind us that politicians CAN speak in full sentences and not sound like contemptible assholes.
Jesus Tapdancing Christ. I’m less concerned about whether or not these Karens are clapping on 1 & 3 or 2s and 4s - I’m horrified by the psychopath running the “crowd camera.”
LOL Please let L’Oreal name their most popular shade of blonde “Jim Crow Karen.” It’s only fitting.
The giveaway here is they are also suing for ownership of the photo. What’s really going on is they want to be the ones making money from the picture but they can’t as long as the photog owns it.
Yes, white people pointing their guns are ALWAYS the victims and are NEVER responsible for their own actions. - Merica’
Never let them live it down. It took a majority of us minorities to hold back the majority of majority in this election.
The same Mexico they wanted a wall built around? The same Mexico they wanted to PAY for that wall?
WHERE the fuck is that?
If you’re reading this, you’re white.
to the Greys:
if they steal this election, which would be the THIRD THEFT of a Presidential election in 30 years
Whooo boy! The greys never disappoint.