This has been hilarious among UFC bros for years dude.
This has been hilarious among UFC bros for years dude.
It's not the sensationalized's the "so-and-so just did something pretty innocuous....Discuss" that's the clickbait.
No, it has everything to do with the quality of the product since the quality of the product has qualitative parameters as opposed to quantitative measurements. The NBA would make more money if more teams had a shot at the title because that would add interest to both the waning games of the regular season and the…
Ya but I think the mechanics are different. In baseball, there are multiple people within any organization that are younger and hungrier than the starting position player in the bigs. The draft system also doesn't incentivize losing more than the next team and the difference between being good this year vs. next…
This was a Lakers game actually. I don't know what the connection is or whether it's even causation as opposed to correlation, but since the one-and-done rule was implemented, both college and professional basketball seem to be less interesting.
Well, the NBA is a turrible product right now. How many teams have a chance at winning the title? 4? Beyond that, the narrative is "how many games can you lose."
Umm you know this was taken last July right?
It's more nuanced than that though. By removing a dictator, you create a power vacuum where these things can happen. It's fine and all to make retrospective judgments about the right course of action, but in this situation, if we had sat back and not done anything, is that really for the greater good? Dictators are…
You break it, you buy it basically. The lesser of two evils is helping people when asked as opposed to the morally-repugnant "no thanks, you all take care of it." It was relatively-low risk, especially geo-politically, and it's easily the better choice to go get this one back so as to hopefully alleviate some…
Not even that refreshing/cool considering that Chaz Barkley already had his in the bag when he got his DUI.
Do you not know that a logo counts as a representation? I'm talking about any of the things that teams named after Native Americans use, most of which are less culturally-sensitive than how the Redskins use their mascot. Examples abound all over sports. Sorry you live in Ohio, but that doesn't make you exempt from…
Sure, since your obviously coming from a selected bias.
Yeah it's a good point, but I'm really hesitant to say we can assume someone is being disingenuous just because everyone else thinks they should be offended. Thanksgiving dinner and civil rights are worlds apart when we're talking about not speaking up for fear of being perceived as something.
So how do you discern whether to believe what someone actually says from how someone actually feels? Do you just automatically know better than to take someone at their word? If not, that's an awfully tenuous point to make.
Nope, he's 100% wrong. If you can't find any examples of gay people being treated horribly, you're not paying attention. Further, those examples happened more recently than the civil rights movement.
'You've got to be one of the dumbest humans ever...
Have you ever interacted with the police? It sounds like you think the only times they can infringe on your rights is when you've committed a crime. Here's an encounter I had not even a week ago:
I'm assuming that's 9PM ET? Not all of us live in places with weather...
Awesome read.
Any word on whether this love story had a happy ending?