Being Irish, I know how it feels to have had my ancestors oppressed in this country. I'm over it.
Being Irish, I know how it feels to have had my ancestors oppressed in this country. I'm over it.
Isn't that what opinions are based on? Have you ever heard someone called "Redskin" as a slur? Are you aware that the Washington Redskins aren't the only team that uses "Redskin" as a mascot?
I'm not offended.
Ya but I still liked the shitty Bullets. I couldn't like the shitty Wizards.
I'm a Redskins fan, and as culturally-sensitive as I try to be, I don't want the team name to change. I remember when the Bullets changed their name, and it just wasn't the same team.
Obviously the 11-incher...
Is Chris suggesting we all try a hand at the beat staff?
What would MAC address have to do with who was driving?
Also by the way, one error in grammar puts me ahead of the game for 85% of the articles posted by professional writers on websites, and they have editors. Otherwise, I think its a valid point.
Do you guys have your internet set on -4 days?
100%, but it was 2am and didn't proofread.
They can build as big a case as they want, but I'm not sure he'll get convicted of murder.
This is not news.
Salutes to a king among males, across all species.
Also a convicted felon who preyed on Americans during the mortgage crisis, but hey, to each their own.
Riley is such a boss.
In all fairness, Mark Hunt is a legend (for the most part) and Struve is still up-and-coming. This wasn't Hunt being fed to the wolves.
MJ has illegitimate kids? My world has been ended.
Classic Bambi-legs Bynum.