Is watermelon even in season?
Is watermelon even in season?
File under: Life Goals
These are the people that never got THE DAILY SHOW.
I understand the desire to not look like a creep in a mugshot, but smiling is many times worse.
I’m not in favor of banning anything but...
This trailr has done for for abstenince than 15 years of Republican backed funding.
His last film was in 2013 and it got a miniscule release.
Sounds like this should be reviewed in six months.
Charter schools get to pick and choose students.
In-n-Out has pink lemonade.
Reportedly, her hero is Steve Jobs.
Chargers fan here. Yup.
Sure. They’re going to give up overtime and extra pay. Sure they will.
If I’m Cinemark, or a significant shareholder, this is not news I want to see.
That’s about average for an NFL career.
Am I wrong in seeing that kidnapping and rape of an underaged girl are being minimized to villify porn?
Not going to answer one way or another, but how quickly was the show BLACK MIRROR mentioned?
Okay, you mean, screenwriters, trying to get their projects made, will describe their lead females as *gasp* attractive?
Guess it didn’t take long for this line of thinking to come out... Okay, this is going to go over your head, so I’m not talking to you- cause obviously you’re harder than woodpecker lips- but for other readers, PTSD can originate from lots of places.
Dude here: