Superman is a scientist and inventor with the resources of an interplanetary explorer. He out-thinks his opponents far more often than you’d assume
Superman is a scientist and inventor with the resources of an interplanetary explorer. He out-thinks his opponents far more often than you’d assume
I posted a spoilerific explanation just now, higher up in the thread (if you’re still interested)
There is definitely an intentional element of black humor in many of the Titans’ designs and mannerisms— but... (Spoiler)
I can’t wait. I reserved copies of the first two volumes as soon as I saw they were coming to US bookstores. More Thunderbolt on its way, too!
This show is very visually imaginative. The characters are basically Yoshitaka Amano characters come to life.
Kojima game looks Kojima as fuck. I expected no less.
I like the “hand-animated”-looking visual effects and style of this trailer— reminds me of Titan A.E. Hope the game looks similar.
"Welcome to Bear Island, bitches."
Having owned a pair of cat siblings called Big Bitey and Little Bitey, I can affirm the great and fangsome legacy of the name.
You’re right. If a YouTuber isn’t just going to tread the same ground and straight-up copy the jokes of the most popular Yu Gi Oh parody, what’s the point? Either suck on the YtAS teat or go home.
Got a real Ember Island Players vibe from the performance Arya watched in Bravos. I half expected stage-Ned's last word to be "HONOOOOOR!"
I would love to see a sequel on the PS4! Even just a remaster would be grand— at an appropriate price point of course.
Come on HtD— there’s no need to credit this unsupported, utterly transparent smear job. This kind of rumor-mongering is exactly the Gamergate M.O.
Yeah, this episode was way more Alice than Oz. The fact that all the characters all are "familiar, but different" versions of their above-ground counterparts is a big tip-off. Questions answered with cryptic, solution-less riddles, etc.
Calling it an “Elseworld” story is pretty on-point and a good way for comic book readers to get through the film without cringing too much. I went into the theater hoping the Man of Steel universe was going to start leaning towards the “definitive” versions of the characters, but I had to admit BvS was a “What If?”…
That one page actually doesn't do the scene justice. In case you don't mind spoiling the moment for yourself, I'm leaving the explanation of the context down below. I will say that fluorescent purples, pinks, and blues become a sort of visual trademark of the Snyder/Capullo run (complements of master colorist Dave…
You're being overly defensive. I wasn't shit-talking Miller, just poking fun at his reputation. I used that page to show you how Year Zero acknowledged and paid tribute to Miller and Mazzucchelli's work.