
How many of the lucky ladies set up with Shep are just going to be Landon in a wig? My guess is 3.

I heard that the FBI didn’t want to give immunity to avoid an Iran/Contra situation in which one person gets immunity and takes all of the crimes on in order to stop investigation of his higher-ups.

A brief word for my main man, Jeff Sesh:

mischievous young shit-starter

The War of the Roses?

But “much of it” wasn’t “way more progressive.” They were, by and large, pretty much the same. Hillary is just more pragmatic about how to get there. Sanders is a unicorn dreamer with no plan.

The left is divided on Bernie because he prioritizes a narrow set of economic ideas over other issues that are priorities to many people on the left. For example, I don’t care if we break up the banks if it means I have to lose reproductive rights to do it. My priority is my bodily autonomy. Sure, I would like to

To quote the immortal words of Roseanne Barr: Bernie Sanders can suck my dick.

The rights that I have to do with my body is not a bargaining chip.

For someone who is not a Democrat, Sanders spends a lot of time dictating how the party should run.

Ugh and when he went after Dolores Huerta and Jon Lewis. And the blacks in ghettos comment. And during the debates he was so condescending and dismissive to Hillary it was painful to watch. What sucks is I agree with about 99% of what he says but somehow he is able to preach economic justice while alienating

He’s starting to remind me of my coworker who manufactures drama every time she gets bored.

Especially when the “Bernie or bust” crowd kept crowing about remaining ideologically pure to justify not voting for Hillary. Thanks a lot assholes.

The older I get the more utilitarian I get and the less ideological purity I can get behind but basic bodily rights I just can’t bend on. To do so as easily as this waves a big red flag to me.

What good does it do to get more Democrats into Congress if they’re still going to vote with and like Republicans? That’s his logic? People find that appealing?

It is the height of male privilege to decide that women’s issues aren’t a deal breaker.

For someone who is not a Democrat, Sanders spends a lot of time dictating how the party should run. He has been harmful not helpful to the party and the DNC needs to stop acting like making overtures to him accomplishes anything. All of this is just about Sanders’ ego.

This is EXACTLY why I didn’t trust Bernie from day 1.

I had no idea there was going to be a season 2 of this terrible show. I’m going to watch the entire thing.

Yep and all those rich (old white male) alums who will donate to your defense fund, score you cushy internships to pad your resume and get you fluff pieces written in major magazines to make you look good to sway public opinion.