THANK YOU! “allegedly” is misused all the time and it makes my eye twitch
THANK YOU! “allegedly” is misused all the time and it makes my eye twitch
So slap his ass with a contempt charge and have him arrested. I’m so very tired of these old white dudes being allowed to break the laws.
If their mission really was to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” they’d be calling for Trump’s impeachment as he is the biggest threat to the constitution.
I am perfectly ok with judges showing kindness, compassion and leniency to criminal long as that grace is extended to black and brown folks as well. But, SIGH, it never is.
Well, in his defense, his grandmama gave him that chain.
Great. I just spit coffee all over my screen. THANKS.
Oh, cool. Another asshole on the internet making fat jokes. Cool cool cool.
It’ll be fun to watch the military take this dude out when he tries it.
Wouldn’t you need a good faith jury instruction in order to make this defense?
I”m sorry, is this your first primary? BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT WE DO IN A PRIMARY. We weed out the ones we don’t want and select the candidate we DO want. For fucks sake.
Why is there an entire thread about what Denise Richards should’ve done rather than maybe Camille shouldn’t be a racist asshole?
But not to the women at which the slur was directed. Ok Nancy.
Women were allowed to hold property in their own right and to divorce their husbands. That’s pretty damn progressive.
Rome went on an awfully long time after Nero.
The census is mandated by the Constitution.
I was BORN for that job
I DO, in fact, know how jokes work. But does the author?
This isn’t a burner account. You can go ahead and check my history breh.
No shit jackass. That’s the ENTIRE POINT. Get off the internet.
Why does this sound like you’re trying to put a positive spin, or even defend this imbecile?