Bartolo's Cologne

Even if he’s dead, Sharon will prop him up for another Ozzfest.

Within this context, that photo is horrifying. Who else reacted with a grimace, a wince and an, “Oh fuck! Nooooooooo. Fuck. Jesus. God. Aw fuck!”?

Everyone knows both the Panthers and the Giants work blue.

+ 1/4 1/16 1/16 1/16 1/8 1/2

Yep, that’s the Kiwi needed to know where it took place.

The Coliseum would welcome your patronage!

With those unis, they’ll still be able to watch them from 2000 miles away.

I’m Sassarri to break it to you, but you finished last.

Ahhhh, Newcastle. Not quite relegated and no threat to anyone of significance. Comfort food, indeed.


Serious question here. Serious.

Best sports broadcasting invention since Fox’s Phantom Cam let us watch Miguel Cabrera’s eyes recognize the final strike of the World Series.

Sir, I am rooting for you!

Aldo’s corner had the same look after Germany’s third goal in the World Cup Semi.

Old Ozzy Osbourne and Iron Maiden album covers cower in fear at the sight of that album cover. Well done, sir.

The security fences around that field are some serious shit.

He stole that from Tebow!

I expected you commenters to do have already done this, but apparently not.

He should know. He got embellished into the Hall of Fame just a couple of years ago.

Wait a minute, didn’t they award this to Leonard Fournette two months ago?