Zoe is a Thug

My if you pronounce pecan correctly 😜

I’m with you on Hugh but I don’t fault the other guests for being polite. It’s disrespectful to your friend and host to start an argument with another guest. I would rethink that friendship after the party.

I know people complain SNS is late at times but this is hella early.

I thought it was already decided that a president can be sued with Clinton.

I'd run to court for a No contact order if I got that. Dude seems a bit off

I envy people that are bilingual. Unless you speak another language in the family its really hard to accomplish living in most of the U.S. I stayed with a family in Mexico for 4 months and the dad only took 2 days off during the entire time. Not 2 week days, 2 days. Christmas and the day we had a birthday party at the…

These bigots are exhausting. 

This just shows that Warren lacks the political instincts needed for a national run. She needs to fire any advisor that thought this was a good idea. It’s political malpractice. She could have defended herself and won over natives if she had taken the time to understand their issues.

barf. He’s an ass so odds are the more kids he has the more likely one or more will be an ass too

Wikipedia says in vitro. Their first son died at 10 weeks of SIDs 😞

He has 14 year old twins and 12 year old triplets! What?!

The judge didn't have much choice. He even said the decision was made as a matter of law. Personally I don't want him deported, if he stays there's a chance to collect restitution. Once he's in Italy no reason to pay.

The balance no longer works because the total number of house seats is capped and each state has at least one. The Wyoming rule, where each state has enough reps to represent roughly the number of people in the least populous state would help provide equal representation.

McEnroe is an ass but I hope he was able to provide a stable environment for the kids so they can break the multi-generational cycle of addiction.

FFS, this guy is the key to ending McConnel’s reign of terror as majority leader. Dems MUST keep this seat. Re-elect now and spend the next 5 years looking for another Dem with a chance of winning a statewide election in WV.

Rose needs help but I’m not sure what se needs exists yet. She was born into a cult so years of therapy for unstable childhood. Then therapy for what Weinstein did to her. And finally treatment for the substance abuse or mental health issue she’s currently displaying. I try to keep that in mind when she’s acting like…

‘Mericans don't have time for the superfluous u

What about Wales? Everyone always forgets about Wales.

Electing judges is always the most difficult, particularly in states where they are non-partisan. My first check is if a sitting judge has a lot of complaints, like the Turner judge. Then look at the endorsements. After that its a crap shoot.

Hatch should lose his temple recommend for sure.