Zoe is a Thug

I almost wish I watched CBS just so I could stop.

Sadly I don't. I asked my friend in Mexico and she didn't vote for him. He's a populist that says what people want to hear but doesn't have actual policy positions. I'm hoping he can clean up some of the corruption but I don't know how he'll govern.

I think there has to be at least 3 really salacious accusations for it to count, kind of like a serial killer. 😒

Cause only exists when the public knows about it.

I’m not sure if you have me confused with someone else since I’ve never had addition issues but I support anyone trying to overcome. I’m just really down by how vile and mean people can be. It’s the dark side of the internet. 

What is wrong with people? Grande is likely grieving someone she once loved and people are blaming her for his death. That’s so disgusting. We need to collectively go to our rooms and think about what we’ve done.

That's the problem with unique names. It's cute when they're 4 but what happens when she's 50?

I don't thing Pence has the balls or the smart.

But likes the tax cuts. I'm with you on the military hints but would a military man care about tax cuts for rich people?

As far as I know nothing has actually been signed. AMLO is a very different character than Pena. 

Well written Sophie but I have a correction.  Make sure to burn Nikes is a small, enclosed area. Keep it concentrated to make your owning more impactful.

Everything about this story is seriously fucked up, starting with why the fuck was she in jail for 3 days for parking tickets?

IDK, I saw comments when people were arriving that wearing a skirt that short to church would get you escorted to a seat in the back. Some people have strong ideas of what is appropriate for church. Personally, I think Aretha would have thought she looked cute.

Height could account for an oops but dude didn’t move his hand. This dumb ass thinks we're mad about a hug. Ewww, just yuck. I feel so sorry for Ariana, she put up with it so she didn't make a scene.

I'm guessing to show there was a prior relationship rather than a unknown kidnapper. Either way the ass hat is dead.

Pena Nieto is a lame duck, he’ll be gone in a couple months. It makes more sense to wait for the new president

It’s a bad sign when the in-laws side with the wife instead of the son. Blaming his wife for everything wasn’t just a dick move, it’s cowardly.

This is literally the answer in EVERY civil suit. Seriously, anyone who has ever read the answer to a civil complaint knows the initial response is always any damages were caused by the plaintiffs. 

I just saw an add for her new movie. Action and revenge

I read they showed up to court separately