Zoe is a Thug

My favorite part of that was when he cried afterward.

I'm counting on you to let the douche bag know how unwelcome he is. I'll be disappointed with anything less than a football level riot. Make him cry and you can have the celebrity of your choice.

Now if only the Queen "feels under the weather" and won't be able to meet the Orange Menace. He really wants to meet the Queen. I would love to deny him that opportunity. Let him chat with Charles. I'm sure they would get along swimmingly. 

Wait what? I'm 46. I thought you were 26!

I'm pretty sure we're supposed to meet at Alex's house. We'll burn it down just like the Canadians did to the White House.

Girl you're 20 years younger than me. I had to take a 2 hour nap after spending 2 hours at the rally last Saturday.

That's why I was confused. The waitress presumably received tips herself. It doesn't sound like the waitress was adding what she had to the total.

Can someone explain the split to me? Wouldn't a waitress receive her own tips?

Good odds he didn't write it. I can't guarantee he even knew it was sent.

Jesus Christ, I need more advanced warning! My fat ass isn't ready for a war. What's with the last minute invitation?

I’ve gotten a lot of hate for my position but it hit me yesterday that I didn’t specify what I found unsupported. I totally believe this was a toxic relationship full of yelling and unnecessary drama. I don’t question that chloe suffered emotional pain. It’s her most serious allegations of control and sexual abuse

Trust me, you don’t want to be Gen X, we were latch key kids and still no one pays attention us. I've heard people in your age group called Xennials. Technology changes faster now narrowing the generations.

Paul left out some details. The attack occurred at a low income complex where refugees live. The headline is misleading since refugees weren't specifically targeted. On the other hand, Jesus Christ on a cracker, these refugees came to the U.S. to escape violence and are attacked at a birthday party.

I know that Boise is a metropolis now but in Idaho it's more likely than not that there's a gun in the house.

So you're saying that the FART Act... stinks?

28 is a millennial right? Her Twitter game it on point. Anyone coming for over the age of 30 is going to have his ass handed to him.

She wants to support seniors. Tyranny!

No prayers, just thought along the lines of "go fuck yourself comrades."

He was convicted of a crime, hence the suspended sentence and probation.

True story. I got on at Tukwila and when the trAin rolled in  it was like a scene from Tokyo or Mumbai.