Zoe is a Thug

Anyone else enraged that #45 threatened Auntie Maxine with violence on twitter? Max didn’t call for violence against anyone. She was advocating standing up and confronting people actively violating the human rights of children! And what’s this about Sanders wanting to eat without fear? Bitch was quietly asked to

I can’t believe I had to scroll down so far for this. Heidi Heitkamp is a different person than Claire McCaskill I’m not sure how Ellie mad that mistake.

She really can eat a bag of dicks.

Why should other patrons be forced to dine with people actively committing human rights violations? People who torture children should eat at home. Remember, “I was just following orders” isn’t a defense. 

That was Chloe’s take not mine.

I’m going. The rally was originally going to be at the Federal building in Seattle but its move to the detention facility. I’m trying to come up with good sign slogans.

I think being complicit in the torture of children is a good reason to be refused service. Personally I would find it difficult to dine in the presence of someone actively committing crimes against humanity.

You realize that you just made the argument that no one claiming abuse is ever lying. There are several instances to the contrary, Duke Lacrosse players etc. Not believing this story doesn’t mean I don’t believe other women.

That is seriously disturbing.

It tells me the same thing as I stated in my first sentence. Any bold names that come out in his defense will get the same reaction you’re giving me now.

I know. I’m very lucky not have been in an abusive relationship myself, though I do have friends who have been abusive relationships, been sexual assaulted, and raped. I support and have empathy for those friends but I wasn’t personally affected. However, when someone is falsely accused for revenge it doesn’t affect

Hmm, I'm a white lady but I've always said Melanie was awful. I guess I'm not *nice*. She's a selfish hypothetical bitch. I hate when people paint her as a victim of her husband.

It’s a catch 22. So many men have been outed for horrible behaviour that everyone is afraid of saying they don’t believe the allegations. If you’re falsely accused there’s no way to defend yourself. You can’t prove a negative.

I’m convinced (without any actual proof) that the Q stands for Quisling. What a fucking douche.

I thought she had already turned 30 and it was 16 years but the theory still applies. 17 is midway between 15 and 20 but saying over 15 years is a lot different to saying almost 20 years. Its a mental trick like what weighs more a pound of lead or a pound of feathers? You know a pound is a pound but your mind

When I heard they would be meeting with #45 I was positive Felipe would make sure he was never positioned next to Letizia. She is hot AF and smart. This is a love match and there’s no way Felipe would let the orange slime near his wife.

Yeah, that’s the definition of too far. Something along the lines of “imagine how you would feel if Barron was ripped from your arms” would have been effective.

I’m not sure if this is snark. I’m sure Chloe feels like she was treated badly, and I’m not saying Chris wasn’t an asshole, its just that her post doesn’t ring true to me. She exaggerates the age difference, blames Chris for her next relationship being bad, and complains that Chris told people she cheated on him and

Donj shouldn’t be able to leave his home without someone point and yelling Diaper Don!

If your skin is darker than khaki I would recommend it. I’d say misdemeanor assault for anyone other than Trump. Make sure you’re in a friendly jurisdiction.