Zoe is a Thug

Anyone one Mueller’s team that leaks will be sitting in the garage with his red stapler.

I think we are free to use Cocaine Mitch going forward. Blankenship is gone for good (gods willing). Mitch hated Blankenship so what better way to make Mitch sad then have the Cocaine Mitch monikor stick?

I grew up in a mining town. This guy was complicity in skirting safety regulations that resulted in the deaths in 29 miners. I can’t believe he got 20 votes let alone 20%. I’ve been gone a long time but I’m still pretty sure this guy would have been strung up by his Ballston my home town. Blankenship is a piece of

A much as it would hurt I hope gas goes to $6 a gallon because of this. Maybe then some of his idiot supporters will take notice.

Maybe not a whole just yet but an accommodation between the two without outside interference.

Well, pretty much their entire testing facility was destroyed in the last test and the Chinese are pissed that radiation is blowing into China, so I’m thinking they’ll agree to a testing ban.

I feel you. There were zero black people where I grow up and while there are all kinds of people of color* where I live now there aren’t many blacks. I never intend to be white people it happens. I really enjoy The Root because I hear opinions that I wouldn’t otherwise. Like black Thanksgiving. Eye opening.

That tweet inspired rage. I’m not sure why this crap hit harder than the garbage Sarah spews daily. I hate hypocrites and SHS makes me close to violence.

Exactly. He lies constantly but is so bad at it that everyone knows it’s a lie so he was more honest. What?

I’m going to use that. It’s also a good response to “everyone is entitled to their opinion.”

Only if you want to develop a non-functioning cerebral cortex.

I was thinking disgusting but scum is better.

Doesn’t count. That was Prussia not Germany. Country not ethnicity.

The weekend after 45* was sworn in the Jehova’s Witnesses knocked on my door wanting to “share a message from the bible.” I told her that I don’t believe in god because trump put his hand on the bible and didn’t burst into flames.

Good to them. Nelson and Robinson’s decision will help others. They are an example to everyone that you can create good from a bad situation.

There was a time when Rudy was a good lawyer and took down mob figures. I believe that time was before I learned long division.

They absolutely should have dorm rooms. No grouping by party. They need to be forced to live together and learn to get along.

I think they are going to stop all nuclear testing. Of course, their last test blew up the facility and collapsed the mountain above it destroying just about everything. So, yeah, they’re ready to talk.

I didn’t mean to imply you can “grow out of it”. I was thinking more that he should have sought have sought treatment by now. Hard partying and substance abuse aren’t cool at any age but as people mature they tend to realize the damage and take steps to get better.

Thanks. I was starting to think I imagined it.