Zoe is a Thug

You need to go to Costco and buy that shit in bulk.

I think that’s an insult to the Mooch

This gif perfectly describes the current administration.

  • We’re supposed to think the Press Secretary is a cabinet post?

That’s why I believe we should focus on humanitarian assistance and refugees. In order to do any real damage we’d have to commit to a full air assault. I’m not up for WW3. I see destruction of chemical weapons facilities to be a part of our moral obligation to protect civilians (not that last night’s strikes did

Damn. That’s some foreseeable misuse right there. Talk about a giant loophole.

Damn. That’s some foreseeable misuse right there. Talk about a giant loophole.

Targeted strikes on chemical weapons facilities, sure. Invasion to “liberate” fuck no.

That’s why I question the OP’s assertion that we are selling chemical weapons unless it’s nonlethal like tear gas.

Hold up, “chemical weapons”?

Replying to bump up. US intervention in the form of taking in refugees is infinitely more effective than another military action.

NOt that unpopular. Under a different President I’d be fine with targeting the facilities that store and/or make chemical weapons. In this case, since the UK and France participated as well I’m not freaked out but the twitter threats were concerning but also gave time to move out personnel (Asad doesn’t give a fuck

Ugh, stupid Kinja wouldn’t let me finish. To your point about choosing the best self. I see all of the Syrian refugees and I can’t help but think that Anne Frank could have lived to a ripe old age if only we had been willing to let her in.

I guess I wasn’t clear. The why i was thinking of was Pearl Harbor.

He’s a current Congressman running for Senate. This was a House vote

He’s a current Congressman running for Senate. This was a House vote

I don’t disagree with anything you wrote. My comment was coming from a place of how the war started and why we got involved along with what would be taught in a public school about the Holocaust. I doubt a nuanced examination of the war would be part of a 2 week unit in a generic history class.

I was thinking from the perspective of how the war started and why we became involved. Kuwait is a good parallel for the first part but the unexpected attack on our territory is missing.

Do you remember the Escape from Sobibor mini series? I was in high school and the studio provided materials to help study what happened.

I blame 2 things. 1. Not funding education - I’m Gen X and have vivid memories of watching videos of what was found at the camps. 2. Millennial’s not having cable. There’s hours of WWII stuff every weekend.