Out of the aether? This is not a private conversation. There are untold other participants. Words have meaning. You may know the definition but we can’t assume that everyone else does. We live in a time where people claim facts don’t exist.
Out of the aether? This is not a private conversation. There are untold other participants. Words have meaning. You may know the definition but we can’t assume that everyone else does. We live in a time where people claim facts don’t exist.
My goal? I was pointing out the main reason “terrorism” isn’t used as a label. I agreed with the rest of what you said. Calm down.
I can see that. It’s good that she admits her mistake but there is a it of please forgive me and stop asking in the background.
Terrorism has a specific definition and a political aim. That’s why most violent acts in the US aren’t labeled terrorism.
Oh, shit! Please forgive me. I’ll go say a few Hail Marys
I’m tired so maybe I feeling generous but I read it like she made a mistake and she has empathy for people who have made similar mistakes. I don’t think she’s saying she has empathy for Polanski.
Catch 22. If you tell him to stop picking on kids then he can turn around and say they’re kids the song know what they’re talking about
Serious question, why do you have the ARs? I’m sure it’s fun to shoot, kind of like a video game, but like any toy doesn’t the novelty wear off?
I was ready to be skeptical of his motives, is he trying to get us to forget Fyre, but then he brought it up. He may not be a good judge of business partners but he does seem to care.
I don’t think it was bad from a sound perspective. If it was a different song that interpretation may have worked. Fergie forgot the first rule of singing the anthem. Ask yourself, are you Jimmi Hendrix? Are you the the reincarnation of Jimmi Hendix? If the answer to the first question is no, DO NOT stylize. If your…
The footprint of the 8qt is huge. The 6qt doesn’t take up the same amount of counter space. I’m thinking of selling the 8qt and getting the 6. I thought about the 3qt but I don’t think a full chicken would fit.
The footprint of the 8qt is huge. The 6qt doesn’t take up the same amount of counter space. I’m thinking of selling…
Even worse! The girls flirt with the partners and get pregnant to trap a rich husband.
Hey now. Who’s going to make coffee and look pretty when the clients come in?
Of course not. But the point stands. If she wasn’t pregnant she could call any designer or high end salon for a dress. However, a maternity dress isn’t standard fare.
Dementia works.
Sorry, that’s regulated.
This. I don’t know how much advanced notice she had for the all black statement but you don’t find formal maternity gowns at the corner store. It’s not like she could wear something from her standard wardrobe. It’s not like she she wore red or hot pink. The only fashion statement her is that she’s pregnant.
I wish i could remember the source but Bill Maher said the 2nd amendment as added to ensure the ability to form armed groups to hunt run away slaves.
Well, my prayers are made of Kevlar so, maybe? People are stupid.
Plan on needing at least the equivalent of you monthly mortgage for up keep. Some calculate it as .5% of the value of your home but I like the mortgage payment method because it’s easier to conceptualize.