Yep. Slate has a podcast called Slow Burn on Watergate. It’s fascinating.
Yep. Slate has a podcast called Slow Burn on Watergate. It’s fascinating.
They don’t deal with bodies, just leave them to rot.
You’re right the article I saw must have been old.
Good for them. Trump is a piece of shit.
It’s a good thing that Tammy is a total bad ass. She’s facing a tough campaign this year. There’s a shit ton of money pouring into IL to beat her
I really hope the Dem’s gambit works. It make sense from a tactical stand point-advance and protect- CHIP is no longer in play so McTurtle can’t hold it hostage. I know there are a LOT of DACA recipients that are PISSED right now but realistically, DACA wasn’t going to happen under those conditions.
Yeah, we can have people reckless treating people. What if his patients are on Medicaid?
Mueller served in Viet Nam, unlike Cadet Bone Spurs, so he’s seen some shit. He was a prosecutor and the FBI director for 12 years. In a fire he’d be the one calmly telling everyone to exit the building.
Where are you getting your info on the NYAG?
I think Manfort was a couple months away from indictment before Mueller was appointed. Once the Special Council was appointed any existing investigations were transfered. I read the charging docs and they were very detailed. that kind of money laundering investigation takes time and I don’t see how Mueller’s team…
I think Manfort was a couple months away from indictment before Mueller was appointed. Once the Special Council was appointed any existing investigations were transfered. I read the charging docs and they were very detailed. that kind of money laundering investigation takes time and I don’t see how Mueller’s team…
Of course the guy that owns 666 Park Ave. is cool.
Despite his practice of omitting or “forgetting” pertinent information Jared still has his clearance.
Zinke is a douche, I’m not sure I want to see the applicable photo for that.
It’s always appropriate to point out IQ45's tiny hands.
Exactly. This is using public resources for a political purpose. Of course, it’s an ethics rule and those no longer matter.
At least give me a trigger warning! This picture haunts my dreams.
Thanks. This is reassuring. DrAft Dodger is dangerous and its good to hear that the military is keeping its perspective.
Even better, she did it on the floor of the Senate so it’s part of the legislative record.
I guess it seems like there are too many people willing to believe a geriatric turtle, a spineless p90x enthusiast, and an orange shitpile. I don’t understand how anyone could blame democrats for the shutdown but many do. No matter how we try we never make any headway.