Zoe is a Thug

Fuck this guy and all of the idiots crying about their 2nd amendment rights. I have the right to peaceful assembly mother fucker. I’m tired of having my constitutional rights eroded because you don’t know how to read. Well regulated militia asshole!

Your kid said that? Give that kid a raise in allowance. A+ parenting.

I was referring to independence not the vote itself. The violent suppression was stupid.

Not low, just different. may have something. I’m not sure there’s anything concrete since Madrid insists the constitution prohibits Catalonia from leaving. Catalonia already has significant autonomy and my guess is they could make it on their own. The fear is that if they leave other areas will too and Spain would dissolve.

The stakes are different in Spain. The wealth of Catalonia helps prop up the entire country. I don’t think Scotland leaving the U.K. would have the same impact. Of course people acting like assholes is on the rise

Yeah, I don’t think beating the shit out of seniors encourages national unity.

That’s the only other reason I would join.

This is Ivy.

I got a new puppy. Kinja won’t let me post a pic.

I’m trying to make a Spanish tortilla in my Instant Pot but I’m having issues figuring out how to get the pot to work.

Garhhhh! I’ve been waiting all day to post a pic of my new puppy and now Kinja is being a dick.

Yeah. That’s weird. As far as I know Kanye jumped off the trump train after he recovered from his illness. Kim didn’t say anything about it at the time but putting your husband on blast is a fast track to divorce court so I don’t expect her to.

OMG. I would join Twitter just to watch that in real time.

This a call back to Kanye saying Bush doesn’t care about black people. It’s a joke.

Not team trump AND qualified for the job. This is an odd choice for 45.

I was in Tulum 3 days ago. It was interesting but I had a hard time enjoying it as it was as hot as the surface of the sun.

You are beautiful.

Who paid for that shit? I don’t think tax money should be used for this.

Maybe it’s a British thing. This is pretty weak as a threat.