I have no idea what you are referring to.
I have no idea what you are referring to.
I’ve definitely heard 1999. I remember the Prince song. I’m talking about the 1989 phrase.
Hey I don’t judge the specific marks, I’m just saying there are legitimate reasons for this move smoother than money.
I’ll give you party like 1989. I’ve never heard that expression.
Looking for some alone for that burn.
Prince was obviously the superior artist but the guy who because an unpronounceable for years to protect his work failed to plan for his death. Prince’s name, face, and music can be used to promote anything from adult diapers to limp dick meds if his heirs want the cash. There’s more to it than just making more money.
I read a post somewhere complaining about receiving a C&D from JK Rowling. The jist was Rowling is so rich she shouldn’t care if people use her work to make money themselves. It’s about more than money, its about protecting your own work or, more likely in Taylor’s case, someone using a phrase that people associate…
It’s more than just money. How would you feel about Swifty branded condoms? This protects her from being connected to products that could harm her reputation.
It must be the name. I’m about 4 weeks from picking up my new puppy. I’m lonely without Zoe so it will be nice to have a new baby to love but it won’t be the same.
What kind of pond scum kicks their own kid to the curb? I’m a petty bitch so i would let their priest know how these good Catholics are behaving. Child abandonment is a crime, the parents should be forced to pay child support.
Liar! That must be a stuffed toy. You’re gonna need to use your training to protect him from thieves.
The tipped minimum wage is a travesty. Washington is one of the few states that doesn’t allow it and I’m glad to live here. I still tip but at least I know a server won’t miss a rent payment because some ass hat left a quarter on a $200 check.
Well fuck. I inadvertently approved of Governor Dickbag. I feel so dirty. Prick couldn’t wear his prosthetic leg?
Holy shit. There’s a guy in a wheelchair helping to clear. Trump can’t be bothered to look at a victim and say sorry for your loss but this guy is doing physical labor.
Good point. Perhaps he enjoys learning to communicate is a better description. I don’t know how any non-native becomes fluent in English.
There have already been several awards, unfortunately it’s the tax payers footing the bill. I’m not sure there’s a way to make him personally liable.
Republicans only care about money and don’t have morals. Harris is working on her talking points because it’s the GOP that needs convincing
This asshole holds his gun like he’s in a 90s gangsta film. I’m glad he was convicted.
Fuckin’ A. We’ll be apologizing to the world for decades.
Wouldn’t you be annoyed and uncomfortable being forced to stand next to a sack of shit?