I think the are using a loophole. I can’t recall the details but post civil war confederate vets were recognized as US vets.
I think the are using a loophole. I can’t recall the details but post civil war confederate vets were recognized as US vets.
I envision picketing along the line of the assholes outside of planned parenthood.
You’re the only person not in my high school English class to have heard of that book.
I wouldn’t begrudge a real president working off-site during a renovation; who wants to deal with that shit? A real president is never fully on vacation. It’s not like he turns on his out of office and designates a backup. This piece of orange sludge doesn’t work when he’s in the office and has spent more time golfing…
This is disturbing information
You asked a question and I answered. I’m not sure where the animosity comes from. If it had been some 25 year old guy it wouldn’t be interesting. In fact people would likely call him question jerk for using a shot gun.
True. If you need an AR 15 to hunt you should take up fishing.
The key is a woman over 70. She didn’t ring her hands helplessly or call someone to take care of the snakes. She found a problem, solved it, and the got the fuck on with her life.
It’s the least they can do since I had to burn the house down to get rid of the snake.
He’s one of the few people I believe would be capable of pulling this off. I was so angry when he came back and helped move it forward. After his no vote I thought he made a deal to he the 3rd no so other republicans wouldn’t have to go out on the limb. Now that we have more details I’m inclined to agree with you.
If John is playing a long game I applaud him. I’m still sick of his frequent failure to back up his words but this was a double whammy: 1. Provide some market stability and 2. Fuck over that noxious turtle McConnell
Even delicious cake wouldn’t make me forgive a snake in my tub. I’d snatch the cake and scream, “You’re dead to me!”
I can’t promise I won’t.
I really hate the use of wild animals as entertainment for tourists. When an elephant stomps an asshole human I cheer for the elephant. However, my greatest wish is To go the reserve in China an hug a panda. I can’t seem to resolve the conflict.
I have a vision of The Mooch taking questions in the press room. “Zoe from Thug Evening Standard. Mr. Scaramucci, will you do the fandango?”
Buy a cheap well drink for that purpose. This douche doesn’t deserve top shelf.
His idiot followers will believe that the mean Dems and dragging a child in for questioning proving the “Russia Thing” rely is a witch hunt
Did you hear her hot mic comments? Fun.
You can comment on McCain and Graham’s Facebook posts. It’s cathartic and most comments are calling bullshit.
So far he’s just fucking us.