I love that North yells at the paps “no pictures!” It’s great because she’s setting boundaries. It’s kind of sad too.
I love that North yells at the paps “no pictures!” It’s great because she’s setting boundaries. It’s kind of sad too.
This news has been the bright spot in my day.
Did you see that Trump backed out of the UK state visit because people don’t like him?
You’re doing the best you can as a single father of a girl starting puberty. Try to remember that no one is perfect.
I guess I’m late to the party. I want to thank everyone who sent condolences. I stayed home from work for two days and when I returned on Wed there was a card from my coworkers and they collected $350 for a memorial. I purchased a brick for the new Humane society building.
You don’t need to wonder, they’re obviously like a kid in a candy store. Agents act like big shots dragging away a teenager instead of doing the harder work of tracking down violent criminals.
I’m totally aware of his other problems. The difference between the 9/11 comment and last week is in 2001 he didn’t use a racial slur.
I feel like acknowledging the slur is hurtful is accepting responsibility. I’m willing to accept Bill’s apology because he showed he understands his words were hurtful.
This. I’ve seen people on his show that i never would have encountered otherwise. Bill is a smug asshole who made an inexcusable mistake but inexcusable isn’t the same as unforgivable. He may not get the entire picture but he does seem to understand people were hurt by his words. If he doesn’t do it again we have…
I think his description of the slur as a knife was perfect. It’s used as a weapon by some and a tool by others.
It would be better if the visit went forward but was downgraded from a State Visit. No visit with the Queen; no white tie dinner, just boring policy meetings. It would be so delicious.
Since my first thought was why, i think I’m not cool either
Trying to stay busy. I’m going back to work tomorrow.
I’d like more investigation. If there were solicitations specifying all proceeds would go to St Jude it could be fraud. It’s all about the legal disclaimers. The reporter needs to dig up any printed or emailed solicitations from the relevant time periods.
Sadly she died yesterday about an hour before the vet came. I’ve been bingeing sit coms all day to keep my mind off how lonely and sad I am. I really appreciate you asking.
There’s an election on Thursday.
He is all hot to meet Her Majesty. His mom was from Scotland and loved the Queen. Denying him the pageantry would be delicious.
May is the one that offered a State Visit with the red carpet and meeting the Queen. It was a highly unusual offer so soon. I doubt the UK would prevent a diplomatic visit but a State Visit should be off the table for October m.p.h.
Tillerson is regular horrible. I’m all for rescinding the invite to our National Disgrace tm.
The curly hair is from a box. Even that is fake