Zoe is a Thug

I believe this is the same Collins that called an African-American female colleague hysterical. I hope everyone in his district that could lose covered punches him in the dick.

Doug Collins needs to be punched in the dick.

So, coach used the Kleenex defense to justify using a racial slur? What a fucking idiot. This guy hits all of the entitled cis white guy notes..

Moderation is key.

Ugh, I wouldn’t be shocked if they hired Tomi now that she’s free from Beck.

I don’t know who that is and I’ve never listened to that podcast. It’s actually a reference to my dog. She’s famous for her snatch and run robberies.

Hmm,it is a rational decision so that would make sense.

I’m sure Jared made the call, he’s in charge of everything else.

I thought they broke up. At least that’s the impression I got when he talked to Bill Maher.

This tactic is specific to milo and his free speech event. If no one shows up to protest the event is a failure. Milo WANTS a confrontation, especially a violent one. I don’t advocate this tactic for all situations.

Who draws the short straw that actually has to come into physical contact with him?

I’m willing to bet he lost some followers when he was shit canned from Brietbart. Your point is well founded, my thesis is the fans will lose interest when we stop reacting to Milo’s bullshit.

Not “anyone” with whom you disagree. This only applies when sharing ideas can have a positive outcome. Milo’s  purpose in life is to get people to engage . He has no interest in sharing ideas. He wants to spew offensive rhetoric until you become visibly irritated. He’s monetize his ability to enjoy being disliked.

That would never fly with my mom. My nephew wears a cap pretty much every moment he’s awake but he would never bring that to the table.

What?! Some needs to get this fixed STAT!!! I need walking baby pics.

Holy fuck, please describe! I’m not strong enough to watch.

You can’t shame the shameless.

If you can make it to 5 minutes you are Mother fucking Teresa.

This is a tactical action tailored to Milo and his free speech event. No one shows up and very limited media. Maybe get the businesses in the area to close during the event. Milo won’t be able to develop his own following unless he gets the response he wants. We can pull this weed before it takes root. The worst thing

The best way to handle Milo is to starve him of attention. Don’t voice outrage at his stupid statements. Don’t print interviews with him. Let him have his troll festival but stay away. Don’t have a counter protest, that just feeds the beast.