
Yes I do, and I read that crying will help me recover more quickly--like it’s in the body and must come out. I assume that’s what “cry it out” means?

My husband has left me and we are divorcing, not my choice. Looking for any comfort or advice, especially from those who have survived this.

When I was in grad school (large state university) we had this problem with TA hours. We also had work duties that had us spending our own money to complete TA tasks despite contract terms saying we did not have to. It felt like every semester, we brought up these issues yet again, and the faculty always acted like it

It will be an accomplishment even if they don’t accept, or if you go out but it’s lame. Being vulnerable and going after what you really want are hard but super invigorating. And sometimes, you know, it does work out!

Or hiring a few female colleagues? You know, check out some resumes from the binders?

Fascinating. I don’t feel this way at all. I am deeply committed to not getting pregnant, and always have been. I have nightmares about finding out that I’m pregnant. I reflect almost every single day on how grateful I am not to be pregnant or have kids. I’m almost certain that I would get an abortion if I did get

Ha! I don’t know which is more tiring to me: cynicism or even a remote scrap of faith. I alternate.

The icing on the irony cake was that his resignation was rejected! How many of us can be all like “I quit!” and then get so much support from our employers that we stay employed?

For sure. And no, I don’t see a reference to it here.

I read this article and came away feeling that Stubblefield is deeply sick and deluded. She’s always been professionally interested in how privileged people intrude upon or violate disadvantaged people (especially in racial contexts) and I think she may truly believe that this was somehow empowering to DJ,

Alright, I may be the only one here who’s read Jason Priestley’s (also very thirsty) memoir. 2 potential reasons it could have been him: 1) He talks about hookups among the 90210 cast in an almost bitter/defensive way. 2) He disses Tori Spelling more than anyone else, by far. He says Dean McDermott is a jerk and is

Yeah, I didn’t see the word “woman” used anywhere in this article where it didn’t actually mean “mother.” It happens a lot.

I’m often surprised by celebrities who seem like they might be intelligent and complex coming off asinine, and also the reverse: celebrities who seem totally vacuous but actually have some thoughtful things to say. Surprisingly uninteresting: Cotillard, Brad Pitt, Beyonce, Jennifer Connelly, Scarlett Johannson.

Oh, of course. This particular person may or may not have a problem. That’s why I said that she and the homeless junkie CAN have something in common—not that they are identical cases.

Thank you. I’m a recovery counselor, and there’s so much resistance to the underlying truth that “homeless junkie” and “drunken college girl” can actually have something in common.

People are making fun because he posed himself searching for God and paid someone to take his photo doing it for Instagram. (I admire your generosity though.)

—Bus stations