
I got one of those IRS calls the other day. I will just say that if one is feeling belligerent and has a little time to kill, there are worse ways to spend a half hour than calling the number back, say 150 times, and singing them Christmas carols while they curse and scream in frustration.

I’ve thought about this for years. I’d fly all my ladies to a fancy-ass spa to be waited on hand and foot.

1) The Canadian Embassy has a colonnaded dome on the outside. Stand in the middle and your voice reverbs amazingly.

As someone who lives in a state that is still suffering through fires that have killed dozens, with no notice from the shitty person we didn’t vote for, I agree. Stay the fuck out of the arena of real human emotion, and stuck to the job you’re best at, Chief Petty Officer.

So what you’ve done here is “not all whites.” Would the author see you on the street and assume you’re not down with the brown? Yeah, he might, and he’d be statitically correct. I think you’re suggesting that’s his problem to fix. I’d like to suggest that as allies we consider it OUR problem to fix. The racists are

Another tourist hack: there’s gonna be a line for the cable car, just accept it. But go as early as you can bear; it’s better in the morning. Also for full tourist impact take the Powell-Hyde and sit on the right side if you’re headed to the ocean or left if you’re headed away from the ocean, as that’s the side that

Tourist hack: of course you should take your guests to the Chocolate Manufactory if they have kids. But you don’t have to stand in that long line. There’s another one across the Ghirardelli Square that people never see or something— there’s never a line, the views are better, and they often hand out free chocolate

See, I should have read the comments— I also think he’s blind

I think he can’t SEE. As a middle aged person whose near vision went to shit right on schedule, I’ve noticed that he never wears reading glasses, probably because they don’t comport with his self image. I think they crank the font on the TelePrompTer way up and in general he just gets the gist and bluffs

I made a pot of thick delicious cream of potato soup once, and at the last minute added a couple of shakes of some Tony Cachere Cajun spice I had gotten from my dad’s place in nostalgia for his cooking after he died. As my husband and I dug heartily into the tasty, tasty soup, he noted, “what did you add here,

Um. Lilith Fair?

1 vote here for sinking.

It’s not chivalry, it’s basic politeness toward your partner. Shocker: I am a lady, but when I get out of a car to go somewhere with my husband, I wait for him and we go in together.

This is DC, the bluest spot on the map. She rightly judged she’d get way better exposure from publicly spurning them.

I’ve had this conversation, and the reasoning I heard was that their insurance cost went way up for the same coverage. And you know what? That is a reasonable concern. My insurance also went up. It doubled, in fact, and the plan I picked ended up not being carried by my doctor, so then I also had to pay out of pocket

This is surprising to hear. As my friend was recently raped by someone she met online, and Baltimore declined to prosecute. She can still barely work months later, but at least the guy wasn’t a total abomination.

Ditto. I was just thinking that this morning. I shaved my legs for 30 goddamn years, but you elected President Pussy Grabber, so now you can deal with my hairy fucking gams.

Oh, I misread... if you HATE cold, Joshua Tree. If you LOVE cold, any of the tiny communities around Tahoe, Mammoth, or Yosemite.

Joshua Tree

Ding fucking ding. I’m a hospice volunteer, and just last week as I sat with someone as they passed I thought, “It’s really nothing like the movies.” Then this story came out and irritated me so much because it was such bullshit.