“what kind of person would intentionally post something that they know damn well is going to make people feel bad!?”
“what kind of person would intentionally post something that they know damn well is going to make people feel bad!?”
When you start making statements like “women who choose to have sex need to face the consequences” you really have a problem with her behavior, you’re not trying to save babies. Why? Because the “exceptions for rape” argument is essentially saying some babies deserve to live some don’t, depends on how slutty the…
Abortion is never a “thing of convenience”. Even with the least invasive, least burdensome methods, you’re still going to be in pain and have to take a day or two off work, at the very minimum. No one who has had an abortion would prefer one to safe, effective, convenient, no-side-effect-having contraception, BUT, not…
You’re not getting it.
Nice freshman comp essay, though a tad unoriginal. Most of us are past that now, though. Women have the right to control their own bodies and make their own moral and ethical decisions about how to do so. They don’t need your two-bit moralizing about compromise. End of story.
Or “How to Use a Zip Tie to Link to Another Article”
Bernie is by far one of the most misogynistic presidential candidates I’ve ever seen.(Besides Trump) Every word, every action from him is just dripping in hatred and disregard for women.
As someone on Politico said last night, “There are only two options here. Either he doesn’t want to land the plane, or he doesn’t know how to.” Both of those are troubling. I don’t even begrudge him the SS detail/cost, but it’s sure symptomatic.
To me, it’s insanely disrespectful to Hillary that he hasn’t conceded yet. He has clearly lost. It’s not a contest. She has more votes and more pledged delegates. It’s over. I would like to see him graciously admit defeat and attempt to work with Hillary. He needs to put his ego aside, call off his rabid fan base and…
I never really understand this argument about Hillary being a warmonger. Maybe she is, but you do realize that the Secretary of State doesn’t just... go around independently making policy decisions right? That anything she did in that position was directed by President Obama and his administration? Honestly, if…
Whoa, wh0a, whoa. This site has been pretty impressive in NOT having a bias towards Clinton. I would venture to say that Gawker as a whole has actually been biased TOWARDS Sanders.
Such an old white man thing to do. Talk about income equality, eschew the opportunity to save a year of an average american salary every day if it actually affects what you feel like doing.
Things like this make me feel like his refusal to concede are purely egotistical.
So I'm not allowed to talk to anyone else ever at all unless it's required for work or to make a business transaction such as ordering food? This the world you want to live in? Are you always such a bitter and cynical jerk or just on the net?
"Hey, I'm sorry, I need to take care about some stuff and can't chat right now, sorry"