Scruffy the Janitor

tons of people are currently loving the hell out of The Marvels now that it’s on Disney”

Probably not tbh

Interesting...Martin Scorsese...I think some huge fucking loser actually just wrote something about him

Yesterday the AVC published an article calling Scorsese an out-of-touch, overrated old dude. Now they publish this praising his career. What a junk heap this site has become.

Ok, find one person actually saying that. Go on. One. Should be easy, right?

Damn you nailed all those real people who absolutely go up to people and say “you’re an ignorant moron for watching this crap, and Scorsese says so” all the dang time.

It was an analogy to show how difficult it is to convert people on social media, by pretending someone got total access to a nationwide audience before the Internet. There’s only so much reach you and your friends have on social media unless you’re already social media famous; that’s why corporate brands pay social

This is the thing that bothers me the most about MCU ultras. Why can’t you just be happy you completely control blockbuster cinema? You got studios giving your third tier characters $150 million budget feature films, you are basically living in the best possible outcome and you’re still complaining because some people

I don’t think it’s harder than before when you had to get money behind you to get your film distributed nation wide. Now you just put it up on Youtube and promote it on social media.

It’s so much easier for any indie filmmaker to get their work to a wide audience today than it ever was in the past, but he’d probably discount a 20something putting their film on Youtube as not being real cinema or some such nonsense too.

“Every word they say about each other is made into its own headline, pulled apart and dissected until it becomes incomprehensible, like staring at a painting too long until it becomes a blur of colors instead of a picture.”

Did you all see Silence?  NO ONE saw that movie, and it was pretty freaking sublime.  That’s some good stuff, Marty.

Literally, what the fuck are you talking about?

Jesus you sound like a petty asshole. Take the fucking W, the thing you like totally dominates culture. Congrats. Why not be happy about it instead of throwing a damn tantrum any time someone isn’t worshipful of comic book movies?

This is genuinely one of the most rancid, thoughtless articles in the history of the AV Club. It is antithetical to what this website used to be. G/O Media should do us a favor and shut the whole fucking thing down.


Try all you like, Kevin Feige is not going to fuck you.

I know this place isn't a hivemind, but saying the Irishman is a snore and linking to a review that gave it an A minus is certainly something. 

Yeah, I know a lot of the response is “Well, it FEELS real enough, and definitely reflects a lot of women’s experiences!” But it’s still very shitty that this person took the real experiences of two people and then just shoehorned in the shitty parts. You’d think you’d be able to craft a convincing narrative that

I’d put Midnight Mass above the Haunting of Hill House only because Hill House shat the bed so spectacularly in the last  minutes. If not for that, Hill House would be a clear number one.