Scruffy the Janitor

I wish I could be as positive as some of these commenters, because I honestly thought this was the worst episode to date.

As soon as Shiv didn’t make an offer to Greg, I knew she was screwed.

They also Flanderised characters very quickly. Danny Rojas especially.

Clearly sarcasm given they named the two most hated episodes.

it just happens because good things happen to our good characters we like”

I spent a good 30 minutes thinking, “Surely the sick joke here will be that everybody grieves and reacts to Logan’s death, but the old bastard once again manages to pull through”.

Definitely feels pretty cruel to leave out the main actress in a film nominated for Best Picture this year.

I find it hard not to root for Bautista. He was never the greatest wrestler (though he improved a lot right before he left WWE), but I respect that he left the business to devote himself to acting and ACTUALLY put the work in to get good and take on interesting roles. He probably could have just been a generic action

Loving this show so far, and don’t really have an issue with the formula of Charlie meeting a person who immediately gets bumped off. It’s just fun, intricate, satisfying television. I honestly wanted to applaud at the Benson reveal.

I don’t disagree. It was a bit odd that their big hit was death metal, they wrote a grunge song on the bus, and then had another hit with a song that doesn’t sound that dissimilar from Avril Lavigne. If an old metal band played their new song while opening for a metal band, they would get booed out the venue!

Glad to see Scott McNairy get a leading role. Around 2012-2014, when he was in Killing Them Softly, Argo, 12 Years a Slave, and Gone Girl, I really thought he was going to break out and become a big Hollywood supporting actor.

I really hope it’s Farrell for Banshees, which I think might be his best performance ever (certainly his best since In Bruges). I can see Fraser having a good chance if they want to give him a nice comeback story, but The Whale is also getting fairly mixed reviews.

I really hope it’s Farrell for Banshees, which I think might be his best performance ever (certainly his best since In Bruges). I can see Fraser having a good chance if they want to give him a nice comeback story, but The Whale is also getting fairly mixed reviews.

I was going to complain that Succession didn’t make the list and then I saw that aired a full year ago?! Jesus, where did 2022 go?

Saw this at London Film Festival and it’s my favourite of the year so far. Recognisably written by the creator of In Bruges, but feels much more like one of his early plays than any of his films so far. It might be Colin Farrell’s best performance to date, certainly his best since In Bruges. He could have no lines of

Why do you strike me as one of those people who incessantly tweeted#TeamDepp’?

is like watching a dog trying to listen to classical music”

I really, really love how bittersweet those final moments are. Such an amazing balance. The cold harsh reality that Jimmy will likely die in prison, the emotional outpour as he confesses to causing Chuck’s suicide, that slightly proud moment where the prisoners rally around him, and then that incredible final scene

This makes that clip of her sitting up and screaming at the paramedics as they put her in the ambulance even more terrifying, knowing the kind of injuries she suffered from the crash. What a horrific story for everyone involved.

This is a far more complicated situation given Heche has very publicly had a mental breakdown and a past history of mental health issues. It sounds like she’s likely to end up committed if she survives the crash.