Scruffy the Janitor

No mention of the night owl who kept falling asleep?

According to Robin’s family member who tweeted about it, he was actually cast off the street rather than being a legit Tinder match. So not an actor, but not 100% as presented on the show.

I’m always intrigued by new Peter Strickland films, but this one sounds more In Fabric (which I didn’t love) than The Duke of Burgundy (one of my favourites of the decade).

Had Louis kept a low profile for a few years and then made a tentative, apologetic return to comedy, I guarantee all would have been forgiven and he would have become fairly big again.

What’s interesting to me is that even the people who defend Supernature rarely actually talk about what made them laugh. They seem to only like it because it ‘offends snowflakes and SJWs’.

Why the random insulting of Hugh Grant? I’m very happy with this casting choice but Hugh Grant is a national treasure and would have been a great Doctor.

Yay, another of my favourite AV Club columns bites the dust. I think that makes... all of them?

I didn’t hate The Lighthouse but I do find it quite overrated. My main problem is that it all felt quite surface level. None of it really got under my skin or freaked me out. Felt like Eggers got two actors and a location he liked, and didn’t really have much more than that.

I remember in the podcast, an ex-Theranos employee tells a story about running into Elizabeth during her trial and she seemed totally oblivious, talking about her new husband and dog. I think they just transposed that real story onto the corporate lawyer.

There are so, so many people like Elizabeth Holmes. Everyone has probably met at least one person who is hyper confident in their limited abilities and wilfully bends reality to make it fit with their own vision. It just so happens she managed to make billions out of it before she got caught out.

Don’t you have a 30 Seconds to Mars album to re-listen to?

Ansel Elgort is quickly becoming an instant avoid for me. There’s just something I find incredibly bland and uninteresting about him. Thought he was easily the worst thing about the otherwise great West Side Story and wish someone more charismatic had been cast in Baby Driver. Factor in the allegations, and I just

Generally enjoying the series, especially Seyfried’s performance which is uncanny without feeling like an impersonation. She nails the voice and the eyes but feels like a fleshed out character.

Do people really think the show is making Elizabeth sympathetic? Maybe the first couple of episodes, but it seems clear to me that she’s becoming more cold and calculating with each passing year. She’s basically convinced that if she just states something as fact, it will come into reality despite it being impossible.

Ah yes that’s why Will Smith was photographed crying and being coached by Denzel Washington before awkwardly collecting his award and apologising. What a hilarious jape.

It’s not the filmmakers who decide, it’s the producers/studio. And category fraud clearly does exist or else Hailee Steinfeld wouldn’t have been nominated for Best Supporting Actress for True Grit.

That’s fair. I think it’s less physically, and more in terms of charisma. If they had just had him as a successful TV actor or maybe famous for a part in a popular show, I could buy it more. But he’s meant to be a proper film star, and I just don’t think he has the presence for that.

I mean, that isn’t even remotely true. Many of the films he’s given high grades to have been among the best films of the last decade.

I hate to say it, because everyone found the first series immensely lovable, but I just never found this show all that charming. It’s a combination of Tom never feeling like a credible world famous movie star (there’s a reason Notting Hill cast Julia Roberts to play basically Julia Roberts), and the repetitive formula

Legit one of the coolest ever. Thanks to DDP, he managed to have a much longer life than many would have expected, and you can see his and Nash’s influence everywhere in modern wrestling. Hell, without the Outsiders and NWO, there’s no Bullet Club, no Elite, no AEW. It all goes back to them.