Scruffy the Janitor

Gutted this column is coming to an end. It’s easily been the best featured column on the AV Club for months now, and I’m not sure there’s much else of quality left once it’s gone.

I wish the AV Club would cover Detectorists at some point. I’d make a strong argument for it being the best new British sitcom of the current decade.

World of Tomorrow is my favourite film of the decade so far, and It’s Such A Beautiful Day is up there with my favourite films of all time, so I’m looking forward to this more than anything.

Jesus. I’ve never seen a film that looks so utterly repulsive in every way.

I’m not sure if Bea’s “It’s delicious” is a happy ending actually. Given that we know in the past she was never allowed ice cream, I wondered if she was well aware that Bojack was creating a fantasy for her, and was trying her best to play along with the charade.

If Zack Braff doesn’t have ‘Wish I Wasn’t Here’ written on his gravestone, he’s missing a trick.

Frances Ha just gets better and better with every watch. I can’t wait to see this.

God, this show. It’s just so painful and funny and bleak and clever. There really is nothing else like it, and I’m not sure there ever has been.

I was probably too young to really appreciate the sound and music of Twin Peaks the first time I saw, but watching The Return, I’m amazed every week at David Lynch’s sound design. I honestly don’t know how he does it.

There are a few mistakes in this review. It's always been Steve who's the writer inviting Rob along for the trip (and then getting him to write the pieces), and Emma isn't the photographer Steve slept with, she's his assistant who Rob initially tries to sleep with in the first Trip.

Sad to see Nathan go. I don't think I would have started reading The AV Club without My World of Flops. At least we'll have his new website.

Of all the horrifying, disturbing. nightmarish or otherwise plain wrong imagery in Twin Peaks, two moments have lingered with me since my first watch years ago.

I'm currently re-watching Twin Peaks in preparation for the new series, and it's still such a weird, confusing, totally original show. Obviously, the Laura Palmer/Dale Cooper/BOB stuff holds up incredibly well, and Lynch had the incredible skill of always being able to write unconventional yet lovable characters.

I'd agree with this if it wasn't for Steve Jobs, which I think is an overlooked masterpiece, and a lot of that is down to his screenplay.

While I haven't loved everything Wheatley's made, I admire anyone who A) starts off directing a self-funded film for £30,000 and works his way up and B) aims to make a completely different film each time.

Given that the feud is likely going to continue anyway, they should have given Bray Wyatt a win at Wrestlemania. It would have been a nice moment for a wrestler in dire need of some solid booking, and Orton still could have won it a month or two later.

Scoot McNairy is consistently good in everything, yet he seems to be permanently stuck on the "oh it's that guy!" list. He was absolutely terrific in Argo, Frank, 12 Years A Slave, Monsters, Killing Them Softly, and he'll probably be very good in the upcoming season of Fargo.

It's a shame some people will only be able to watch a dubbed version. I've tried to watch dubbed Studio Ghibli films in the past, and it's so terrible I can't do it. It turns masterpieces like Spirited Away into a bad 90's PC game.

Where did all the negativity about Anne Hathaway come from? You could never even mention her without people telling you what a terrible actress she was.

I only discovered Sleater-Kinney for the first time last year. It was the first time I'd grown *that* obsessed by a band in years. The opening riff of Dig Me Out is just a ridiculous burst of adrenaline.