Scruffy the Janitor

Francine dropping Roger in their first dance practice is one of my favourite Roger moments:

I believe the bartender mistook her for Laurence Fishburne.

I'd put Lost in Space up there for the Majestic alone.

It never really justifies its own existence, but I still enjoyed T2. It's an interesting sequel in that the characters are haunted by the actions of the first film's antics, to the point of several scenes being recreated as living memories and projections on walls.

I always claim A Fond Farewell to be my favourite song of all time. Beautiful guitar riff, brutally honest lyrics, great vocals.

This was one of my disappointments of last year. I was disappointed in just how funny Louis Theroux was making it. If you knew nothing of Scientology, you'd assume it's just this hilarious, slightly deranged group of actors, rather than a genuinely dangerous and horrible cult.

I think in a few years La La Land will be looked at like Argo or Birdman: A fun movie that went much further than it probably should have. It's a fun film but it feels very lightweight and derivative for such a huge awards winner.

As a huge fan of The Office, I had low expectations, but this really failed to live up to them.

"I bet you're wondering what happened. Well, I'm a stand up comedian, people are always saying "Break a leg!", so I did."

Really? I remember getting amazingly good reviews by just about every major publication when it was released.

I enjoyed The One I Love, although I struggle to enjoy Mark Duplass' acting in anything.

Glad to hear The Discovery is worth watching. I'm a sucker for existential, low key, character-based science fiction (see: Sound of My Voice, Coherence etc.).

The first series was slow but mostly enthralling, the second series got into a really good groove, but honestly I really didn't like the third series at all.

While I'd love to see Paterson win some awards, it will be extremely lucky if it even gets a Best Actor nod for Adam Driver. Not an Oscar-friendly film at all.

Once seen, you'll never forget it.

Can we all take a moment to remember the absolute worst dance ending of all time - Psy appearing at the end of The Nut Job to sing Gangnam Style:…

One of the few films when I was genuinely sad when it finished. I could have spent at least another hour watching Adam Driver's daily routines.

This film really is something special. I saw it on a whim because I've enjoyed a lot of Jarmusch films in the past, but it very quickly turned into my favourite film of the year.

I never really appreciated him until I saw Smackdown Live last month and saw him vs. Kalisto.

I watched Suicide Squad the other day hoping it would be so bad it's good.