Scruffy the Janitor

I'd make a case for swapping Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz around. Shaun of the Dead is hilarious, but Hot Fuzz might be the most endlessly rewatchable comedy ever made. There are so many gags it took me at least five watches to pick up on every joke, and I wouldn't be surprised if I was missing even more.

I'd recommend watching it again. I thought a couple of scenes were too jarring (specifically thinking of the scene just before the viking funeral) when I first watched it, but on repeat watches the dark themes of depression and illness seem much more prominent.

I think the happier moments of the film shine through more on subsequent watches. The climactic 'I Love You All' scene feels especially joyous.

The Michael Fassbender film Frank.

Really enjoyed these write-ups each day. Not just quality writing, but recommendations for films I'd otherwise probably never even hear about (Toni Erdmann and Elle both sound pretty fascinating).

"You just brought piss to a shitfight you little CUNT!"

Shame, I was hoping this would be the big Hollywood breakthrough for Jack O'Connell. He's an outstanding British actor you might have seen being scarily intense in Starred Up, Unbroken or '71. He's one of the best young actors around but he still feels on the verge of breaking out.

Sadly, I thought this film was a bit all over the place. With the novel, you could feel the gradual decline as incidents piled up until everything went feral.

The first hour really is some of the best you'll see all year; funny, weird, unlike anything else you've seen.

The Castle is one of the rare things that I've tried to share with everybody I've ever met. For my money, it's one of the greatest comedies of all time.

Elliott Smith is my favourite musician of all time, and it isn't even close. I know some people consider his music depressing and refuse to listen to it when they're in a bad mood, but I feel almost the total opposite; Elliott's music is cathartic.

The Guy: Do you love him?
The Girl: (in Czech) It is you I love.

For me, Detectorists is the rare example of a comedy show I absolutely love while rarely laughing out loud at. The characters are just so lovable and perfectly written, it's really hard not to warm to them after a few episodes.

Jack Reynor is a criminally underrated actor. He's only really famous for Transformers 4, sadly, but check out a little Irish drama called What Richard Did. He's absolutely superb.

I, like many people, first became of Police Story 3 through Hot Fuzz:

"So that's it? After all these years of marriage, 'so long, good luck'?
"I don't recall saying good luck."

Maybe it's because barely anybody has watched it, but F is for Family should be on here. In one minute, you see a hopeful college graduate get enlisted, get married, have kids, get a dead end job, lose his hair and put on a beer belly. One man's entire life in under 90 seconds.

No problem. We simply unleash wave after wave of Chinese needle snakes. They'll wipe out the lizards.

Personally, I would have liked to have seen season 10 reviewed. There are a couple of lacklustre episodes, but we also get 'Viva Ned Flanders', 'Bart The Mother' (with the final Troy McClure appearance) and the wonder of Max Powers and Chesty LeRoux in 'Homer To The Max'.

Have to disagree. I HATE this film. Yes it's horrifically violent, yes Ryan Gosling has the face of a simpleton for the entire run time, yes Kristin Scott Thomas wildly overacts in a way this is brilliant or hacky, yes the music and cinematography is outstanding. None of these are problems.