Scruffy the Janitor

I think you might be thinking of Tomorrowland.

Noel Murray, I salute you. World of Tomorrow is only 15 minutes long, but it has more ideas, jokes, gorgeous visuals, and devastating sadness and melancholy than any film I've seen in years. It's only $2.99 to rent on Vimeo and it is worth every penny.

Homer's constant rattling of Ray Patterson's bird cage never fails to amuse me.

I'm a massive Elliott Smith fan and Angel in the Snow is one of my favourite songs, so I really wanted to like this…but I'm just not a fan of that vocal style where you don't actually enunciate any of the words.

I don't like the sound of dem apples Will. What are we gonna do?!

Jeff Bridge's panicked screams when the ferret gets put in his bath never fail to make me laugh.

I think his first film I Killed My Mother is one of the most impressive films ever made, considering he wrote, directed, and starred in it when he was only 19.

Having read the original script, I didn't expect it to feel so light and comedic. It read as a lot darker and more tense for the most part.

"Of course I've been up all night! Not because of caffeine, it was insomnia. I couldn't stop thinking about coffee. I need a nap.

I watched this after watching Mad Max: Fury Road because I had a headache and wanted something peaceful.

"Laura, on Toby and Anita: “She stopped him being run over, and he does that to her.” What are you talking about?! What is the connection between those two clauses?! Get a grip."

I'm always partial to Willie's one man band: "I'm a maniac, MANIAC…"

I remember when the trailer was released and seemingly everybody on the internet got excited because Pacman was in it, whereas I thought it looked like yet another shitty Adam Sandler comedy.

If I remember rightly, he plays one of the villains. I think he only has about two lines.

I disagree with the closing statement.

Not the greatest episode. Most of the sketches were decent but none really delivered in the way we've seen this series. I always like the street segments though, and I thought it was pretty cool ending with a real life proposal.

"An elephant who never forgets…TO KILL!" is up there with my favourite Futurama line readings.

I think my favourite Zapp Brannigan moment might be him walking out of Kif's private bathroom:

The ending of Leela's Homeworld gets me a little choked up every time I watch it. The idea that her parents were so ashamed of themselves they had to give her up, only able to watch her grow up from afar, is really quite heartbreaking. It's up there with the end of The Luck of the Fryrish and Game of Tones for me.

"Folks, the situation is grim, but we shall prevail, thanks to you, our crack team of loyal dregs."
"I don't even know who this guy is!"
"I'm Scruffy. The janitor."