Scruffy the Janitor

Dern it.

"Wait a minute, how come you have four times as much share as the rest of us?"
"Scruffy believes in this company."

Weird show, not surprising they didn't renew it for a second series. It was occasionally funny and Nick Frost is as good as ever, but it's really quite depressing. It's not just 'sad sack has no luck', it's 'fairly nice man gets shat on by the entire world'.

Who knew that Paul Giamatti saying "…the size of a MIDGET'S FIST!" would be one of the greatest line readings of all time?

Thought this episode was a bit hit and miss, but the bartender trying to push Plain Jane out of the way of the hot girl's stool was hilarious.

I met Bryan Lee O'Malley in Leeds last year.

Holy shit, I've finally met another human who doesn't like Looper AND Cabin in the Woods!

It's a mirror into Scruffy's soul.

The only good hitman comedy of the last decade was In Bruges, and that's because they spent 90% of the running time not acting like hitmen.

Most people would pick Jurassic Bark, but Luck of the Fryrish would be my pick for the bigger tearjerker episode of Futurama. if you're not moved by "I love you Phillip, and I always will", you have no soul.

I'm just going to come out and say it…Frances Ha was really, really boring.

Yeh, I feel like The Artist has had a similar journey to Boyhood. Both were built on fairly different, unusual selling points (which were dismissed by quite a few people as gimmicks), both were loved by critics on release, both got loads of award nominations and wins, and then both instantly faced a ton of backlash.

I believe Tyrannosaur was 2011. Outstanding film, far too underseen.

Short Term 12
The Act of Killing
Before Midnight
Young Adult
The Artist
True Grit
127 Hours
Animal Kingdom

Do what the kid says.

The King's Speech was a HUGELY commercial film. Highest per-cinema gross of 2010 in the US, most successful British independent film of all time, made its budget back roughly twenty times.

Apart from the first episode, I didn't like this series much at all. I found pretty quickly that I just did not care about any of the characters or what happened to them. The Lee Ashworth plotline especially was just tedious and his character was ludicrously over-the-top. This, combined with some of the most

I remember watching That's My Dog with fists clenched in the fear that they would actually kill off the best character in the show.

Lisa: Hello, this is Lisa Simpson and—

My favourite gag in Bender Gets Made is Fry's pained scream, followed by "Mmm!", when Bender shoves molten food in his mouth.