Scruffy the Janitor

What impressed me most about this was the fact that they could have easily relied on callbacks and in-jokes and past characters, and made the finale all about that, but instead past characters were little more than cameos and there weren't too many obvious callbacks; it just gave us damn happy endings for all the

Watching this, I suddenly realised I'd actually quite like Wes Anderson to win. I'm certain it's not his year, but The Grand Budapest Hotel is such a perfectly made and shot film that Anderson might just be the most deserving winner.

Of all the insults you could use against him, soulless is probably bottom of the list.

Elliott Smith is my favourite artist of all time, and I think this song is as good as any at showing what made him so special and so beloved. He had the most extraordinary way with lyrics; he could sum up any situation, be it love or hate or depression, in a few wonderfully written lines and make it a universal

Bender joining in the song with "I am Bender, please insert girder" is possibly the most perfect Futurama joke there ever was. Something about it just works every single time.

One of those difficult films where it's so deliberately unpleasant and scuzzy that it makes it really difficult to say anything particularly good about it. It's quite well made but I don't think I could ever sit through it again.

It does my heart good to see that everybody else was as thoroughly annoyed by this season as I was.

"Hey David, it's your cousin, Marvin. You know, Marvin Bowie! You know that new sound you've been looking for? Well listen to this!"

Jar-Jar makes the Ewoks look like fucking….SHAFT!

"I'm plenty generous. What about that time I gave blood?"
"Whose blood?"
"Some guy's."

You better not breathe
You better not move.
You're better off dead
I'm tellin' you, dude.

I have a strange affection for the way Mr. Burns jauntily walks into his office whistling at the beginning of this episode.

"Oh, Mr. Burns, we'll thaw you out the second they discover the cure for 17 stab wounds in the back. How're we doing, boys?"
"We're up to 15!"

To this day I can't not laugh at the pelican dropping a fish down Homer's pants just after he tells his Mum that he always finds a way to ruin moments.

Christ, Game of Tones. The first time I watched that, I was not expecting the ending. Left me an emotional wreck.

Honestly, I'd be happy to see Space Pilot 3000. One of the best first episodes ever.

"…what the hell was that?!"

I don't think there's a single Simpsons moment that makes me laugh as much as Homer chasing an egg with legs.

At first I was confused as to why there were so many spelling and grammar mistakes. Then I remembered this is Tommy Wiseau we're dealing with. Ha ha.

Pretty disappointing not to see 'I Love You All'' longlisted, but I'm quite happy that 'Lost Stars' from Begin Again is eligible. Not a particularly great film but I thought that was a pretty sweet song.