Scruffy the Janitor

Without spoiling too much, I absolutely love the fact that We Are The Best! manages to avoid having a cliché, School of Rock-style ending, yet still makes you want to punch the air with joy.

Apart from the final scene of Frank which is probably my favourite of the year, the best and most brutally honest scene in that film is when Jon (Domnhall Gleeson) visits Frank's parents in Kansas, and this exchange takes place:

Good to see Frank, although I'd disagree about the weak ending. I love the way the film slowly goes from fairly whacky comedy to something darker and more serious. Plus, the end scene with 'I Love You All' is one of my favourites of the year.

Reece Shearsmith is the alchemist in A Field In England, not Julian Barratt. Shearsmith gives an amazing, awards-worthy performance, Barratt is in it for two minutes at the beginning of the film.

Calvary, Nightcrawler, The Raid 2, Blue Ruin, The Babadook, Frank, Only Lovers Left Alive and Starred Up didn't make the top 20…

I love Domnhall Gleeson trying to remember Josef Fritzel's name, then finally breaking and shouting "Cuuuuuunt!" at Maggie Gyllenhaal.

I wish him and Colin Farrell had gotten nominations for In Bruges, two of my favourite performances ever in that film.

Even though I'm 99% sure it won't happen, I'd love to see Gleeson get an Oscar nomination. He's been so good in so many films over the last decade, he deserves a lot more acclaim.

Frank and We Are the Best! would make a strange double bill of ' Music Films of 2014'.

Off the top of my head:

The Beach scene in Under the Skin… Jesus that was brutal. I can't remember the last time I saw a scene so upsetting and disturbingly realistic.

On the great list of Futurama songs, Robot Hell will always be number one for me (with Hermes Bureaucrat Song and the entirety of Leela: Orphan To The Stars following close behind).

Leela: Should we really be celebrating? I mean, what if the second garbage ball returns to Earth like the first one did?

That's one of the best descriptions of PSH's career I've ever heard.

Sadly no, he was bald and looked a bit like a reptile.

I had a physics teacher at school who spoke exactly like the pool supervisor. I spent two years hoping he'd mention an incident with a pigeon.

"You could make more money sitting outside a tube station with your hat
on the ground, even if you were twice as ugly as you are which is very ugly indeed!"

I had to watch this film repeatedly in a drama class when I was at school. For that reason, I can never watch it again.

This is one of the most unpleasant films I've ever seen. The murders are disturbingly graphic and realistic, the characters are all horrible, the acting is intense as hell. It's a tough one to watch by any standards.

"Ooh okay, duuuuude! I wouldn't want you to have a cow, maaaan.
Here's a catch-phrase you better learn for your adult years: "Hey, Buddy, got a quarter?""